Forum Discussion
Why so rude?
As a brand new user coming here for help and advise being told that it is not Hughes net job to manage the way we use our data was rude. Especially when I said it was my kids using it all for school. Then you said to try between those ungodly times. I was never told any of what is happening. I was assured, and I asked several times during the call, if what I had would be enough enough and she said yes it will be plenty. We come here for help not lectures. I am so distraught because my kids can not even do their school work not to mention can not even watch anything on tv. One would think you would be nice and try to offer different solutions instead of lectures with a holier then thou attitude to try to retain customers. Seems you are doing everything to drive them away.Now we pay money each month for a service that does not work and nobody can help except say buy tokens. We should be getting the service we pay for the way it was sold to us. And even if I put in a ticket how will you hear when the person I spoke to had their own kids running around screaming in the background. I am sorry I ever signed up for this. No wonder the sales person pushed it so hard because she knew how terrible the service is. Not only the service but the people meant to help is just as bad if not worse.
Gee. I'm sorry you thought the answer was rude just because it wasn't the answer you were looking for.
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