When I was a kid we got a Commodore VIC-20, then a Commodore 64 a few years later. Why we got the second I really don't know, as we barely used the first. Probably my incessant begging. LOL.
I didn't really know how to use one properly. I tried a few of the short programming examples in the manuals, like one that made it make a sound that progressively went from a low note to a high one. There was one in the back of the manual to program a game. I tried it three or four times, with each time taking at least three hours to enter everything, and it didn't work. I didn't have tape storage, so I would have to redo it the next time. A kid down the road came up one time and connected his tape recorder to it, which fascinated me that you could save programs on a cassette tape, but I didn't really understand the significance, nor how to do it myself. I had a tape recorder, but not the cables needed to connect it. And again, I wouldn't have known what to do anyway.
The neighbors had an Apple IIc, which was even more alien to me. :p