MacBook Pro Battery/Trackpad Repair
If you have a MacBook Pro that's been in heavy use for 5 years, chances are (like me) your internal battery is toast.
Li-Ion batteries tend to swell when they're beginning the death knell, and such has been the case with mine. I've actually had a spare one for an older 2008 MacBook launch off bookshelf when it swelled (read: exploded).
A good indicator of this in later models is when your trackpad no longer has enough freedom to click because the six-pad battery is puttng too much pressure between the backplate and trackpad.
So, I finally broke down and ordered a replacement battery off Amazon. It came today.
Despite the horror stories of needed a putty knife to remove the old one, I had the old one out and the new one temprorarily installed within 30'. A good lot of that time was removing the ten screws on the backplate, and two that hold the battery connector stable.
The batteries are attached to the frame with a tape adhesive. I left the cover on the tape until I've run the battery through a full cycle and see that it works as it should. Then I'll go back in and make it permanent.