Repairs to Dish LNB
Live in eastern North Carolina, had snow last night so Hughes was down this morning. Figured it was snow on dish. Checked the dish for snow/ice found none. Inspected LNB (hope that is the correct term) and found water in the funnel(?) end. LNB has what looks like a clear plastic lens and it was holding water. The lens had a crack in it allowing water to enter. Pressed lens and it was brittle and cracked - water drained out and sat service resumed. Placed a call to Hughes for technical service. Requested replacement of weather damaged equipment. Hughes rep preformed system test and stated system was functional. Rep did not comprehend the configuration of the equipment and implied site visit was not necessary. Explained again same result. This was becoming a very frustrating experience. Finally site visit was scheduled with a charge of $125.00 to be billed to the account. Questioned why end user was being charged for a failure of Hughes equipment. Never received a satisfactory .
Understand the service company needs to be reimbursed for time and travel but why is it charged to the customer if the failure is on the Hughes Equipment. We do own the modem but didn't think that extend to the dish. Attempted to find information about service charges on Hughes site - waste of time.
Very disappointed with this development. If someone has an explanation of service charges it would be appreciated.
Update- Seems a Service Tech was installing a system a few miles away. He asked if he could service the system today instead of on the scheduled date. Showed up replaced LNB - task completed in 30 minutes- Kudos to the Tech.
Now to understand the $125.00 charge for a failed Hughes piece of equipment.
Thanks for the link. Item 12 provided the explaination. Looked every place except at the policy. Our equipment was installed in 2008 and upgraded one time which was several years ago. We are long past any warrenty. Equipment has been through several hurricanes, just have to be more dilligent checking the LNB after storms. Furstrating that the Hughes tech didn't reference the policy item 12, would have kept my blood pressure down!