From a user's persepctive, it's good to have choices.
From a web security perspective, it's a nightmare. Hackers have taken the approach of using valid browser strings in an attempt to pass themselves off as valid users. Except the scripts they use them are often old, and therefore the browser version is also old. So I've taken the bold approach of blocking versions of Chrome, Firefox, etc. that are a few versions old (sidenote: Google has apparently halted Firefox, now up to v72 to get past v69 on Android phones in order to play favorites with Chrome... #evil).
Honestly, I think it's a security approach that eventually will catch on as more and more sites get hacked to become botnet and spam servers. So depending upon how Brave and Edge can keep up... it will either kill the internet by making it a cesspool of bots, or kill Brave or Edge as my security approach catches on.
As for Kaspersky... How's it feel to providing intel to the Kremlin? lol... I stopped using that long ago.