Forum Discussion

krevbot's avatar
New Poster
5 years ago

Certain Pages / Certain Browsers - not loading - TTL?


We've recently had HughesNet installed on Saturday, and initially I was very impressed with the technician (even though he was promising 25 GIGabytes down, which makes no sense because we have a 20 GB monthly cap).

Anyway, Monday morning we really started putting the network connection through the ringer after running of a Sprint hotspot with limited connection for about a week.

As of right now, we have three laptops, three smart phones, and a kindle paperwhite accessing the internet at various times throughout the day and for various services.

My main problem right now is some pages/services are not loading at all.

Two of my kids are on laptops for school, which primarily use Google services (Drive, Classroom, etc.), and when trying to load a class syllabus on a Google Site with an embedded Google Drive PDF, they get this error: unexpectedly closed the connection

We are also getting errors with other individual sites in Chrome: - this site can't be reached; the connection was reset.

Here are the things I've tried:

Changing the DNS servers to Google's public DNS, cloudflare, clean browsing, both at the router and the endpoint level. No change, so I have reverted back to default on every device.

Disabled UPNP on router/modem, as per this page:

No change, but I have left it disabled for now.

My theory right now is that because the ping response time is so high (avg 663.682) from all devices, which makes sense, because it's going to SPACE (thank you Louis CK:)

Because of that slow response time, and I am thinking (though have not confirmed) that Chrome has such a low TTL, that is why certain sites are not loading. I am guessing Safari has a higher TTL?

This is mostly conjecture at this point, and I am open to other ideas.

As of right now I have not tried troubleshooting the wired/wireless connections, since to me that seems unrelated. I have also not seen much change in flipping between the 2G and 5G WiFi bands.

Thanks for any help you can give!

  • Hi krevbot,


      I'm glad you found the community, thank you for posting. These details are useful, I'm sending these over to our engineers who are working on this already. 


    As soon as we have an update, we will add it to  We appreciate your patience during this time of extremely high Internet usage.


      Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.





  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Krevbot, The problem accessing certain websites is a known issue. One of those sites is Google Drive, but there are others. The engineers have been notified, and I hope they're working on it, but it may take some time. 


  • Hi krevbot,


      I'm glad you found the community, thank you for posting. These details are useful, I'm sending these over to our engineers who are working on this already. 


    As soon as we have an update, we will add it to  We appreciate your patience during this time of extremely high Internet usage.


      Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.





    • PapaGator's avatar
      New Poster



      I believe I'm having a similar problem:  many of the websites I have previously been able to access, without issue, now report the following error when I attempt to access them using Chrome (this one is specific to Norton, but the error is the same for the others as well):  


      This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
      Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.



      For many of the sites, if I keep reloading, or close the tab and re-link, the site will eventually open after 3 - 12 or more tries.  However, with Norton, I have gone for hours where the domain would not resolve.  This is very frustrating, and was not a problem previously (I have used Hughes either directly or through Dish for ~5 years).  With the Norton site, when I'm finally able to access the site, I can't download the software to my desktop; it fails due to a "network error" after downloading 3-5 MB (using Chrome).  I was able to download the software to my labtop without issue, by going into town and using my chruch's cable network access point, so this doesn't appear to be a Norton website issue on their end. 


      I'm also having problems with my phone, which is VOIP through Hughes:  garbled voice, dropped calls, voicemail files corrupted.


      Is this related to the problem you've described, or should I open my own thread?


      Any help, would be appreciated.


      • robinloraditch's avatar

        I would honestly open a new thread, as it may get you a faster response with a mod.