Ladyhawke1New Member7 years agoRussian hacking of routers Show More
GabeUDistinguished Professor IV7 years agoSo that's why my router said "nyet" when I entered the wrong parameters. I thought I was losing my mind. :p
GabeUDistinguished Professor IV to maratsade7 years agomaratsade wrote:In Russia, mind loses you.Да, вы абсолютно правы. :) Edit: I actually used Google to translate my reply to Russian. It translates back, too. :p maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV to GabeU7 years agoОтлично, профессор! (also using Google Translate)MarkJFineProfessor to maratsade7 years agoOld school...
GabeUDistinguished Professor IV to maratsade7 years agomaratsade wrote:In Russia, mind loses you.Да, вы абсолютно правы. :) Edit: I actually used Google to translate my reply to Russian. It translates back, too. :p
maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV to GabeU7 years agoОтлично, профессор! (also using Google Translate)
MarkJFineProfessor to maratsade7 years agoOld school...
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