Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
6 years ago

Well, it happened...

For the first time ever, or at least since upgrading to a monthly refill plan in Feb 2016, I ran out of data.  I've also never used so much Bonus Zone data.  And I blame it on maratsade and BirdDog.  These two talking about PlayOn Cloud!!!   


Just kidding, guys!  I wish I had started using it much sooner.  :)  


FYI:  I found out that my Smart TV puts out enough power via its USB port to run an external USB HDD, and I've been watching things from said HDD using my TV's built in player.  And not only that, but I also discovered that I can burn the mp4s to DVDs, and probably BluRay discs, and they can be played on my BluRay player.  Talk about PlayOn Cloud being worth it!  I'll never look back.  :)  


  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor

    Lol......definitely provides a way to use Bonus bytes.

    • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
      Associate Professor

      Speaking of watching things... New GoT is airing!!! WOO~~~!! There went my data :'(

  •     I got far enough to get on Playon's email list but didn't continue.    Back when Avatar first came out, a friend loaned me the DVD.   I later bought it on Blu-ray and was amazed at how much better it looked on Blu-ray, so I decided to wait for GoT to come out on Blu-ray.  Does Playon support Blu-ray quality?  If so, that would really take a lot of data.


      I'm glad you like it!   Although I would be upset to use that much data so fast.  I'm still a 10 gig wonder.  :>)>


      BTW all of this is still copyrighted material, and copying it around may be illegal.  I surprised one of the lawyers here hasn't pointed that out.   Well, the way I feel about it is: So!  Arrest me!   :>)>

      •   Thanks for the link.  Actually, I did some research on the web about this including reading that article.   After hours of reading boring legal stuff,  I came to the conclusion that the legal status of files downloaded from PlayOn is iffy.

        Making copies is probably technically illegal, but I didn't find a case where anyone was sued or prosecuted.  IMO another one of those things the big media companies would love to stop people from doing, but are unable to do so.


          Now if we could just get rid of the bundling of TV stations.

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    I think I should get some kickbacks from PlayOn Cloud, for sending them new subscribers.  ;)


    GabeU wrote:

    For the first time ever, or at least since upgrading to a monthly refill plan in Feb 2016, I ran out of data.  I've also never used so much Bonus Zone data.  And I blame it on maratsade and BirdDog.  These two talking about PlayOn Cloud!!!