Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
7 years ago

Well, this is new. "Invalid Open ID or Credentials"

Anybody else just start seeing this?  It worked fine yesterday (Thursday evening).  I can sign into the Community just fine, as can I the myAccount site, but when I look at anything pertaining to my account, whether under My Bill, Usage or Account information, the following is what I see...



Again, there's no issue signing in to this Community, nor the myAccount site.  I just can't see any of my info when I'm on the latter.  


I flushed the DNS, cleared my browser cache, tried it in Chrome, Firefox and Edge, tried it with Web Acceleration off, and power cycled the modem.  Still the same.  

  • Hello again,


    Just wanted to let you know that your original e-mail (registered to this community) should not be experiencing the OpenID error any longer. Can you log out, log back in and let me know if the error persists?




  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Even more odd, today.  




    • MarkJFine's avatar

      Certainly a new way to display GIFs as text files...

    • Amanda's avatar

      Hi Gabe,


      I've sent your account information and screenshots to our support team. I will let you know if they need any further information or troubleshooting from your side and as always, keep you updated.




      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        Thanks, Amanda.  Talk about irony!  You have that annoyingly small Usage refresh button fixed, but now I can't utilize it.  :p