Forum Discussion
Can I see where the data is being used?
My frustration in wanting out of my contract isn’t entirely inspired by the craziness of how my data is supposedly being used, but rather in that I feel like have have received nothing promised. Each time I’ve posted here I’m on my cell phone LTE network. That should say enough in itself! The WiFi is so slow and unreliable that I don’t even use it unless I absolutely have to. Thank goodness I have unlimited data with my phone plan through Verizon, I would be out of a job if I had to rely on the shoddy connection I’m over paying for. I’m a single working mom and don’t have time to call tech support all day when I need the connection to be working. It’s frustrating. I feel like I’m getting about one quarter of what the expectations were. So yes, I’m frustrated and want out. I can handle things not being exactly as planned but the internet through HughesNet has been so entirely subpar I’m dumbfounded by it. I really do want to point out though, that my experience with the technicians and employees of HughesNet has only been positive, in that they are professional and kind.
Ah. I understand. But, if you'd like to try to toubleshoot the speed issue, you should, when you have time, of course, post about said speed issues in the Tech Support section. You'll need to run a few speed tests at a specific site and in a specific way (you'll be told where and how), but once that's done and it shows that you, indeed, are having speed issues, the reps on here will get involved.
I can certainly understand your frustration, though.
- Gdge8 years agoFreshmanGabe, I can only imagine the headaches you deal with. The big problem is that the internet seriously never seems to load and when it does it’s slower than dial up the majority of the time. I feel I’m not getting anything I signed up for (I’m on my phone’s lte again typing this). I have a feeling the majority of customers feel the same way. I don’t like feeling like I’m being completely taken advantage of. And I’m in the middle of bedtime routines so I don’t have time to deal with tech support. The problem is that it feels like it’s NEVER working. Is it possible a tech can fix that?
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
It all really depends on what's causing the issues. Lately, HughesNet has been having some pretty low speeds, and absolutely abysmal speeds for those in northern CA. Your issues may be because of this, but they may not, or at least not fully. Even when my speeds sometimes drop to 400Kbps lately I'm still able to browse without much issue, which makes me wonder if there may be something else contributing to your pages barely even loading and/or taking forever to do so when they do.
Unfortunately, at least through this avenue (the Community), the only way to go about finding out what's wrong is to troubleshoot. It may be a connection issue or it could be abysmal speeds causing all of it, but without the troubleshooting it's hard to know.
I definitely do understand that doing that troubleshooting can be difficult, especially when you don't have much time to be able to do so. If you do end up doing so, though, when you start your new post in tech support, one thing that would help to see if there are any connection issues is your state codes. So, if you do end up posting in tech support it would be a good idea to take a snapshot of the following page and post it in the new topic you start, but make sure that you edit out your SAN (at the top of the page), as that is your account number (it starts with DSS), and you should never post your account number. Also, because the state codes are logged in the mode and are lost when it is unplugged, it would be a good idea to have the modem plugged in for at least a few hours before you take the snapshot of the page so that it shows if there are any connection issues. I only say that as some people unplug their modems when they aren't using the net for a while, like overnight.
The state code page is here...!/state_code/state_code_monitor
I wish I had better news for you, and I wish there was an easier way to go about discovering what the issue actually is. And I don't blame you one bit for feeling the way you do. I wouldn't be very happy either, and right now I'm not very happy about my own service, though it's not quite as bad as what you're dealing with. Lately, I sometimes wish I never had upgraded to Gen5. Gen4 may not have been as fast as Gen5 was in the beginning, but it's a lot faster than Gen5 is now. Oh, and this isn't at all an attempt at a joke, but you always have the option of calling tech support, though I know how that often goes, unfortunately. :(
As for the headaches, it's not really that bad for me, as if it gets too much I can always take a break from the Community. I'm just a customer trying to help other customers, so if it gets too much for me I can just walk away for a while, but I almost never do. :)
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