Forum Discussion
Jupiter 3 Plan Availability
Thank you for your response but I think you misunderstood checking the area. I know lots of ISP you check your zip code and it may say available but it is not for your specific residence. I went to acting like a new customer and it asked for my full address not just zip code but also street name and house number. When I typed in all the specifics I was told plans available to me were the Jupiter 3 Select and Elite, unfortunately the Fusion is not currently available but will be later this year. I could have then clicked on the order online and setup installation. Obviously I didn't want to do that as I'm already a customer but the customer support says there are no Jupiter 3 plans available to me and no one can explain why i can apparently buy as a new customer but not a current customer. So obviously there's a conflict somewhere but no one can explain the issue. I was hoping I could get help on the forum as I've previously gotten help here 2 times before when no one on the phone customer service could help with my issues. I guess I'll just stick with what I have as I spent over an hour on the phone with them yesterday and I don't have unlimited time to deal with the phone support and that seems to be what you need if you ever call them is unlimited time and nothing else to do. Thanks again for your quick response.
This may or may not be your case, but sometimes these offers are for new customers only. If you go there and pretend to be a new customer, you'll see the offer, but it will not truly be available to you as a current customer. Doesn't mean you won't ever be able to get on J3, but they may only be offering J3 accounts to new customers at the moment (edit: in your area).
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