Forum Discussion

CJ1's avatar
8 years ago

Thank You Gen5

My Gen4 download speeds are in the 12 to 15Mbps range since folks started moving to Gen5.  Even had as high as 23Mbps.  Thank You everyone that moved over!

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    That's defintely one way of looking on the bright side!  LOL.  :)


    BTW, are you still not able to upgrade to Gen5?  

    • CJ1's avatar

      Havent tried to upgrade.  With the speeds I get now I dont see the need for a new two year contract.

      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        Good point.  I was only curious due to you trying before, but not beig able to.  Quite a few people are actually sticking with Gen4.  To be honest, though, you're actually the first instance I've seen mentioned of Gen4's service improving since Gen5's release, whether due to customer migration to the ES19 or improvements to the system itself.  I hope that trend continues.