Forum Discussion
ATA modem is failing every day
Its close to two years that been using the HughesNet Voice service.
It has been reliable for the most part.
I suspect the InnoMedia ATA is beginning to fail, or possibley the HN2000.
Failier has been a daily occurence.
I have been rebooting the ATA to establish dialtone.
Please check for problems from your end to find the part that is failing.
Good morning Bob,
Thank you for the MAC address! Please powercycle the ATA (unplug and replug after waiting 30 seconds) and you should have dialtone.
- LizModerator
Hi Bob,
Thanks for reaching out. Loss of dialtone can be caused by a loose connection. Is the ethernet cable connecting the ATA to the modem on both ends securely seated? If loose, try replacing the ethernet cable to see if you notice improvement and please let me know.
- kitnbobTutor
HI Liz,
Thanks for the reply.
I jiggled both ends and it seems secure.
Does the ATA heat up with continuous use.
I admit,
I have been having extended phone calls recently,
because I went to a 50th High School reunion in Oct
I have been doing some "catching up" with an old HS sweetheart.
Talking on the phone for hours like we did 50 yrs ago.
Steamy conversations. :smileyhappy:
- LizModerator
Thanks for checking, Bob. I'm sending you a replacement ATA. Please let me know how that works out for you.
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