Forum Discussion
Bonus Plan data amount is mysteriously shrinking.
- 2 years ago
You can use this path to figure out usage:
Click Usage (top of page), then Usage Details
Click Usage again, then Connected Devices
You'd have to do a bit of digging to see what used the network when.
You can also use the free app Glasswire, but it has to be installed on every device.
If you want to make sure nothing uses your network between 2-8, turn off the modem when you go to bed. If you keep it on, things like automatic updates will draw from the data buckets even if you're not there.
Ed, there isn't a link -- like Gabe said, what I posted was steps to follow when you're on the community. You need to use a browser, and you start by looking at the ribbon at the top (the blue section with white writing) and clicking on "Usage." Then follow the rest of the steps.
When I looked at Connected Devices it said my LAN router (TPLink Archer AX73) had used 6.5 GB in the past 24 hours. Does that 6.5 GB mean it includes all devices connected to my LAN router and accessing data online? I think my Smart TV is still assigned to the HughesNet router but the Dish Network data streaming is routed through the Archer.
What is the best configuration for maximizing throughout and minimal data waste? I have the Archer router so I can assign static DHCP addressing to my LAN devices.
- GabeU2 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
edthetermite wrote:Gotcha.
When I looked at Connected Devices it said my LAN router (TPLink Archer AX73) had used 6.5 GB in the past 24 hours. Does that 6.5 GB mean it includes all devices connected to my LAN router and accessing data online?
Yes. The HughesNet modem can only show the total usage by the TP-Link router, not each of the individual devices connected to it. So, basically, 6.5GB of data flowed between the HN modem and the router (download and upload), but what data was used by the individual devices connected to the router, the HN modem can't see. Just the total used. However, the router itself may have a page where you can view the breakdown of the data usage of the devices connected to it. I'm not familiar with that particular router, so I can't say for sure, but many routers do have this capability. Especially the more expensive ones.
edthetermite wrote:What is the best configuration for maximizing throughout and minimal data waste? I have the Archer router so I can assign static DHCP addressing to my LAN devices.
It's highly unlikely that there would be a difference in data usage for a device between it being connected to the router or directly to the modem (whether via LAN or WiFi). It's all still coming through the HN modem regardless. However, you may be able to tweak individual devices to use as little data as possible. Such as limiting device auto updates so that you can do them manually during the Bonus Zone hours in order to save it during the day.
If you're finding that you're using more data than you think you should, it's possible that the Dish Network receiver is using data for more than just the streaming. DirecTV receivers are notorious for this, but Dish Network receivers are supposed to be more data friendly, or at least from what I've read.
- edthetermite2 years agoFreshman
Thank you. Good info to know. 👍
- MarkJFine2 years agoProfessor
Short answer: Yes.
Slightly longer answer: If you used 6.5GB that’s a bit more than an hour of HD streaming - if you can lower the resolution to SD, I’d do it. Keep in mind that your Dish box may also use data for things other than streaming (e.g., guide data searches), but can add up to large amounts over time.
- edthetermite2 years agoFreshman
Thanks for the input. 👍
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