Forum Discussion

bonne131313's avatar
New Member
9 years ago

I have been experiencing incredibly slow internet this past week, so I just did a speed test.

These are the results of the speed test I just took today, compared to the test when I first signed up. Quite a difference!  What's causing this?
Test results can be delayed by up to 2 minutes. Please click here to refresh results.
Date/TimeDown(kbps)Up(kbps)06/29/2016 17:25:32
02/18/2016 20:40:46

1.6 MB?!
  • You're very welcome! We're here if you need us. Enjoy the weekend!

  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor
    This sure makes the case for creating an account at then posting the quickstats results that show the Provider name.
  • Yes! 
    And I was starting to eyeball my aspen trees on the south side..."I didn't think you guys were tall enough to be a problem...... I may have to whack you!"  But it was all ME downloading an "innocent" looking add-on for "browser security". I've got to go apologize to those trees now....
    This is a great community forum~thanks to all who jumped in. 
  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor
    Uh oh, I see a "tree abuse" lawsuit in the works. Hope they accept your apology and leave it at that.  :)
  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV
    I almost did the same with a tree in the back.  As it was filling out with leaves this spring my signal was  dropping, and following the line of sight it was pointed right at the top.  As it turns out the decrease in signal strength had nothing to do with the tree, as after the tree filled out my signal strength crept back up to normal.  Still, even if connected, I would have only addressed the tree if it had actually caused a problem, not just a drop in signal strength.  I didn't feel the need to apologize to the tree, though, as I never told it I was looking at it in an unkind way.  LOL.