Forum Discussion

pmtroutok's avatar
New Poster
7 years ago

I haven’t had internet all day.

Transit /receive / system lights are all off.

What’s going on? It’s a little cloudy but direct tv which is usually bad about clouds is working fine
  • Jay's avatar
    7 years ago



    Looks like we need to replace the modem and the ODU. I have scheduled a technician to visit the site, make any necessary replacements, and check the wiring. Your Dispatch is currently scheduled for Friday, Sep 28, 2018 between 08:00 AM-11:00 AM. If you need to reschedule the visit, please call us at 866-347-3292.


    Thank you,



  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    First and foremost, please click on the three dots to the upper right of your post in order to edit your SAN (DSSxxxxxxx) from your post.  This is your account number, which should never be posted in public.  


    Regarding your service issue, if it hasn't been off for that long it's possible that the issue is due to weather at your gateway, which is located in a different state from you.  Weather at your gateway can affect your service in the same way as weather at your home location.  


    You can also try power cycling your modem.  That's unplugging the modem at the wall outlet, waiting for about a minute, then plugging it back in a waiting for about five minutes for it to fully boot.  Then try again.  


    If it hasn't improved within a few minutes, or after power cycling the modem, please reply with your Satellite Name and Beam ID, which you can find in the Satellite box on the following page.  This information will help to establish the location of your gateway so that the weather there can be checked to see if it's the cause.  You can only get to the following page with a device that is connected, whether via Ethernet cable or WiFi, to the HughesNet modem.  


      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV



        Your gateway is in Tucson, AZ.  However, I don't see any weather to speak of in Tucson, so it's not that.  


        The only other thing I can suggest that you yourself can check is to make sure that the coax connector at the back of the modem is finger tight.  It doesn't need to be any tighter than this, but it shouldn't be loose.  You may want to also make sure that the power plug is pushed all the way into the back of the modem.  Don't remove it and reinstert it, as it's very delicate and contains a lot of separate pins.  Just make sure that it's pushed in as far as it can go.    


        Unfortunately, with the reps for this community being off on the weekends, you're probably going to need to call customer support.  Their number is 866-347-3292.  


        Sorry I couldn't be of any real help.  :(  Others may have a few ideas, but it's likely that the issue you're seeing will have to be helped by a rep.  


        Good luck.