Forum Discussion

coachguy's avatar
8 years ago

Is Gen 5 service available on Echostar 17?


Current Gen4 user and would like to upgrade to Gen 5 service.  My current dish is pointed at Echostar 17 with a clear line of sight.

However I do not believe I have a clear line of sight to Echostar 19 due to trees/ north facing hillside. (I live in the woods , at the bottom of a northern facing slope.) 

Can I get Gen 5 service from the Echostar 17 I already have clear line of sight to?

Zip code is  21102 is that makes any difference.

  • Liz's avatar
    8 years ago

    Good morning coachguy,


    I'm glad you found the community, thank you for posting. Good question-- I checked with our installation department, looks like you can go ahead and upgrade to Gen 5. If the tech definitely can't get line of sight to EchoStar 19, then you can stay on EchoStar 17, and still get that 30 GB Gen 5 plan. 


    Hope that helps!


    • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
      Associate Professor

      Don't quote me on this... But I thought installers could install on ES-17 if LOS to ES-19 isn't available?  I know the new modems and plans are usable on ES-17 right now because of those areas that dont get any ES-19 coverage are using ES-17.

      • gokartergo24's avatar

        Not yet.. We are supposed to be able to soon.. Only the three deads zones can get Gen5 on echostart17 now.