Forum Discussion

kaj1234's avatar
7 years ago

Massive data leak

I haven't posted here in awhile because usage has been manageable over the last year or so. We've been able to live with the 30/50 plan once we developed a routine. We wouldn't run out of data unless we had visitors for a few days that would use more data. However last fall (around Sept) we noticed a larger data usage and we would regularly run out of data 5 days before the reset. I made screen shots of data usage daily, turned off all computers, TV connected to internet when they were not being used trying to isolate a problem.  Didn't find anything that jumped out.


We decided to upgrade the data plan to 50/50. Consideration was given to getting an unlimited data plan with verizon for the cell phones but that was more expensive for two phones than upgrading Hughes 50/50 plan.


So, long story short. We burned through 100GB of data in 17 days. So now I'm back to taking screen shots (I need to wait for the data cap to reset) and trying to isolate the problem again.


I'll try using the usage meter again. It won't run on either my Mac or PC. I'll try some of the suggestions for fixing that problem that I've read in the community forum.

  • We're closing this thread since we never got a reply from you. If you still have concerns, please start a new thread and include a detailed explanation so we can more effectively help you. I hope Gabe's suggestion for Glasswire proved helpful to you!



  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor

    Virus/malware checks and WiFi secure? Curious what versions of OS for Mac and PC?


    Only connect one, either the Mac or PC, by LAN cable for a good period of time to see if any better.


    EDIT: Also, are you certain nothing is syncing to the cloud especially the Mac?

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    For Windows based computers, you should install Glasswire.  It will tell you how much data is being used, and just what's using it, on the computer it's installed on.  It's free and it's very easy on system resources.  It also doesn't use any data on its own, save for the initial program download.


    Make sure to set the options to "Incoming & Outgoing" and "External".  The former so it measures the download and upload data that the computer uses, and the latter so it only measures the internet data and not data being transferred back and forth within the computer itself.


  • We're closing this thread since we never got a reply from you. If you still have concerns, please start a new thread and include a detailed explanation so we can more effectively help you. I hope Gabe's suggestion for Glasswire proved helpful to you!