Forum Discussion
Rut Ro...Someone is Mad :o
- 8 years ago
Hi monicakm,
I just noticed this other thread of yours and your latest reply. I've addressed your latest concerns in this thread, so to keep things more tidy and less confusing, let's stick to that thread for any updates on this situation. I'll go ahead and close this one off to new replies.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The company that came out to upgrade me to Gen 5 on Tues called bright and early this morning to say they got the orders to change the pole (thank you Liz). Conversation started out good but then got a tad testy with him telling me that HN threatened to fire him saying HE was the one that stuck the broken pole in the ground (and no concrete). Of course that's not the case and I offered to call anyone I needed to straighten out the story. He said is boss got 10 different emails concerning the pole issue. But, I didn't need to hear any of that. Professionalism isn't what it used to be. He's already lost all credibility with me for a number of other issues including lying about the signal strength...UNLESS it could actually have been 102 and 2 minutes later (and up till now) hovering between 89 and 91. When I questioned him about that he said there is no difference in between a signal strength of 86 and 102 :o
I can't imagine anyone being able to stream (even in SD) at 4Mbps. Not saying YOU can't, but I couldn't. My Gen 4 testmy speeds were generally in the 9ish range until a couple of months ago when they shot up to 28 to 30Mbps. At 9 Youtube buffered a LOT. Prime time was all but impossible to watch. I've never bothered with Netflix. Youtube would automatically set my resolution to 240p. I could still buffer (on Gen 4) with 28 to 30Mbps and 420p. My testmy speed this morning is 38. I tried Youtube 720p and got quite a bit of buffering. Browsing this morning is better. Maybe Netflix streaming is different than Youtube streaming. Like I said, I've never bothered with it due to my Youtube streaming experience AND a 10GB data cap. I was certainly anxious to try it with the new plan.
Why would I want to upgrade? Data for one. 10GB vs 20GB. With today's multimedia hungry internet and all our devices, you have to be really conscience about your data consumption. I usually ended a month with data remaining but it was out of diligence and the fact that we have a 12GB data plan with our cell phones + roll over data. I was hoping Gen 5 would have brought us roll over data :) Even tho Testmy was showing an increase of download speeds from 9ish to 28ish, my browsing remained roughly the same. Even with the upgrade, browsing isn't significantly faster.
tampasteve, I DO hope you get a good and honest installer. It can make all the difference in the world. I didn't want the same installer out that cut the old pole off at the ground and then just stuck it in the dirt but I don't have any faith in the installers that came out on Tues either :( I'm hoping my husband can be here when they come back to install the new pole.
Hi monicakm,
I just noticed this other thread of yours and your latest reply. I've addressed your latest concerns in this thread, so to keep things more tidy and less confusing, let's stick to that thread for any updates on this situation. I'll go ahead and close this one off to new replies.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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