Forum Discussion

Tamcreek's avatar
New Poster
5 years ago

Slow Internet on browsing and video always buffering



Ever since we switched from WildBlue to HughsNet Gen5 (In September 2019) the HughsNet is painfuly slow to use.  We're on HughsNet Gen5 50GB plan. We experiance slow speeds constantly. The speed tests below were done via network cable to the modem with Wifi Off.  The current Service Plan Data shows 63% remaining and Bonus Zone shows 90% remaining.



Given these speed tests if it were DSL I know there would be no issues in displaying webpages or streaming video.  We are using the same devices in the house as when we were on WildBlue.  Back on wildblue we were able to stream video without buffering and could connect to our Ring door bell remotely, and communicate live with the Ring door bell.  Now on HughesNet we can't even get connected to the ring door bell remotely anymore. Trying to get to the bottom of what the slow issues are?  This is seen on multiple different laptops, TVs with streaming apps and the ring doorbell.  All of which were much faster on WildBlue. We know of other users at work on HughesNet without these issues.  Looking for help on what could be the issue?



  • Your speeds actually look fine.  The issue with buffering is likely due to a combination of latency, congestion on your beam, network optimisation practices, and even specific site issues. 

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Your speeds actually look fine.  The issue with buffering is likely due to a combination of latency, congestion on your beam, network optimisation practices, and even specific site issues.