Forum Discussion
Macro Test
- 7 years ago
See "How do I manage my built-in WiFi modem in <a href="">this PDF</a>.
I may need a new brain. ;)
maratsade wrote:I may need a new brain. ;)
Sign me up, too. :p
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
First, please check to make sure that you are not presently out of data, which you can do via the HughesNet Usage Meter or the System Control Center. Also, please verify that both boxes at the top of the System Control Center page are green. If you are not out of data and both boxes are green, please proceed with the speed tests described in the following instructions...
To help the HughesNet Customer Service Reps get a head start on your speed concerns, please create a account (if you do not already have one) and, while signed into that account, perform a batch of 3-5 tests during different parts of the day, then share the account results link with us here.
Most important points to remember during this test:
-do the tests while directly connected to the HughesNet modem with a LAN cable (NO third party Router or Wireless devices can be used)
-disable the WiFi while the speed tests are being performed
-use the 12MB size download test file ONLY if on Gen4 Service Plan
-use the 25MB size download test file ONLY if on Gen5 Service Plan
-If testing upload instead of download, you must use a 4MB size upload test file
-space each test at least 5 minutes apart
-post your testmy results URL here, it may look something like
For a more in depth guide on running the tests, please see this site (due to being an older site, the stated test sizes are incorrect for Gen5 (please use the test sizes listed in the instructions above, in bold, for Gen5)).
The Reps are on M-F from approximately 8AM to 5PM Eastern. They will be the ones to address your speed issues, but they will need these tests to do so.
If you don't know how to disable the WiFi in the HT2000W, please see "How do I manage my built-in WiFi modem?" in this PDF. Please be sure to click "Save Settings" after unchecking "SSID Enable" for each of the four tabs individually (2.4Ghz, then 2.4Ghz Guest, then 5Ghz, then 5Ghz Guest).- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
And this time I'm not going to ask who you're responding to. ;)
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