Forum Discussion

Tom902's avatar
New Poster
7 years ago

Missing data EVERY MONTH!

  • Once again, HugeNet (SIC) has lost my data.  My fic Meter for the wireless shows that I've used only 34836 Mbytes this month, but Hughts says e over 50, which is my plan limit.  I'm not calling their tech support again, because it's in Mexico, asuperviser is never available and they only want me to raise my data limit up WHICH I'M NOT DOING AGAIN!  Can't wait unti we get fiber out here, I'll drop Huge faster than they can spit!  

    • MarkJFine's avatar

      Speaking of Tech Support, that's where this belongs, not in General. In the Tech Support area you will find specific ways to detect where the data leaks are coming from and you can save yourself the phone call.

    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV



      In addition to posting this issue in Tech Support, it would help to post snapshots of what it is that you're looking at to clarify the issue.  

      • BirdDog's avatar
        Assistant Professor

        GabeU wrote:



        In addition to posting this issue in Tech Support, it would help to post snapshots of what it is that you're looking at to clarify the issue.  

        What is a "fic Meter"?