Forum Discussion
Old man's computer
I used to have quite a bit more programs on mine, but since I performed a clean FCU install I have yet to reinstall them. I probably won't do all of them, but I'll definitely reinstall Steam and my Half-Life and Half-Life 2 games fairly soon.
Later I might take a snapshot of my Acer notebook. You want to see a weak computer? I'm surprised that thing even has enough in it to get online. :p A 1Ghz processor. SMH.
I wish I still had my VIC-20. That was a fun computer.
Yeh I love retro computers. Learned in the days of the Commodore Pet.... but I was raised an Atarian. Purchased my 1st Atari, an 800, in 1980 with my paper-route money. Those were the days kids peddaled on bikes in the early AM delivering news papers, through rain, sleet, and snow. Walked up hill, both ways... 10 miles. LOL.
I have an all Atari room with the 2600 being the oldest, but for real computer it was the 400/800. All fun stuff.
I am into Amiga systems now... modern Amiga NG systems that run Workbench or what they call AmigaOS now. Yes this OS is till around and derived from old Workbench 3.1 days...
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