I currently pay $75 for the standard 30G plan. In looking at upgrading to a larger plan, I see that a 100G plan is only $15 a month more? How can that be when data tokens are 10G for $30?
Tokens and plans do not follow the same price structure. Tokens are also situational and not incentivized in the same way a data plan would be. If this was posted as a suggestion, I will pass it along to the proper channel.
For the most accurate prices on data plans, please call our support number at 1-866-347-3292 as discounts may be available for you. -Damian
In addition to what Damian said, plan prices have changed over the last year or two. I can get a 50GB plan for about $5 more than I was paying for the 20GB plan a couple of years ago. That's a big jump for such a small increase in price. It would definitely be advantageous for you to call to see what's available to you. The worst thing that could happen is that there's no discount available to you on top of what you see listed on the website, but you might be pleasantly surprised.