Forum Discussion
Has Anyone Downloaded and Installed the Creators Update?
- 8 years ago
A few things I have noticed and ran into...
This time around, the Creators Update (Windows Version 1703) didn't uninstall any of my programs, however, a few lost their registration, and had to be reactivated. Still annoying, but not as bad as before where programs had been fully removed and no notes left behind. I have only noticed this with a few programs, seems they may be storing registration information somewhere in the registry that is being overwrote during upgrades.
Some things I have noticed and have done...-Went back into Settings > Privacy and checked to make sure all the settings I wanted applied, are still applied. A few changed, most didn't.
-Your default applications are reset back to default during the upgrade... Chrome set as default browser? You're going to have to tell Win10 under Settings > Apps what you want for defaults again.
-Noticed there's a new section in settings, "Gaming", went in and turned the "Game Bar" off as I don't need that annoying thing when gaming, and I also disabled "Game Mode"
-Wired connections can now be set to metered! Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Change Connection Properties > Set as metered connect
-Those that use natural daylight instead of 100w equivilent lightbulbs for their room lighting might find the Settings > System > Display > Nightlight option useful. It allows you to change the color tone of your screen so that it's not as stressful on your eyes being the only bright object in the room. Allowing for a more warm coloration, or cooler, depending on the options you chose under "Night Light Settings".
All of that aside, while writing this out and poking at things to make sure information was accurate, I noticed something... When looking at the "Data Usage" under network, I have used over 10TB in the last month! ROFL
Most of it was me backing things up, and poking around in my server... Next up was Chrome at 670GB, but that was me streaming from my server. lol
I tried to update my Laptop which is an older computer (Dell Inspiron 1720). I downloaded it from Microsoft's website before the release (I am a Microsoft Insider - I was testing Windows 10 before the initial release -- Have not been doing much since the Release though) The upgrade did not work on my system. I was unable to connect to the internet at all. My WiFi adapter did not show any networks to connect to. My Ethernet adapter also did not connent when directly connected to the modem. I had to roll back to previous build which works perfectly.
I attempted doing a full clean install of Creators Update. I formatted my hard drive and Creators Update would not complete the install. I run it multiple times and it kept stopping at a certain percentage. I then had to reinstall an earlier build of Windows 10 and got my system back up to date after a week or so. Then the Creator Update came through in Windows Update. I figured they might have corrected my problem so I went ahead and downloaded it via WU. The problem still exists. I tried installing Network Adapter drivers from my external hard drive which did not work. Tried to use a USB WiFi adapter and was unable to get that to work either. I am currently back on previous build, I hope the update does not come back up in WU but I bet it will. I might give it another try in a few weeks to see if anything was fixed.
I have the ISO downloaded so I might try to update other systems.
If you download the update directly from Microsoft website 32 bit version is around 2.77 GB -- 64 bit is around 3.55 GB. I have both versions downloaded -- I have a few systems that I might be upgradeing that are 64 bit. I am not exactly sure what the Windows Update file size is. I would imagine it being the same since it is a full system update. (I would suggest downloading it from Microsoft's website if you want the upgrade -- So you can burn it to DVD or store on an external hard drive if you ever want / need to do a reinstall)
A few things I have noticed and ran into...
This time around, the Creators Update (Windows Version 1703) didn't uninstall any of my programs, however, a few lost their registration, and had to be reactivated. Still annoying, but not as bad as before where programs had been fully removed and no notes left behind. I have only noticed this with a few programs, seems they may be storing registration information somewhere in the registry that is being overwrote during upgrades.
Some things I have noticed and have done...
-Went back into Settings > Privacy and checked to make sure all the settings I wanted applied, are still applied. A few changed, most didn't.
-Your default applications are reset back to default during the upgrade... Chrome set as default browser? You're going to have to tell Win10 under Settings > Apps what you want for defaults again.
-Noticed there's a new section in settings, "Gaming", went in and turned the "Game Bar" off as I don't need that annoying thing when gaming, and I also disabled "Game Mode"
-Wired connections can now be set to metered! Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Change Connection Properties > Set as metered connect
-Those that use natural daylight instead of 100w equivilent lightbulbs for their room lighting might find the Settings > System > Display > Nightlight option useful. It allows you to change the color tone of your screen so that it's not as stressful on your eyes being the only bright object in the room. Allowing for a more warm coloration, or cooler, depending on the options you chose under "Night Light Settings".
All of that aside, while writing this out and poking at things to make sure information was accurate, I noticed something... When looking at the "Data Usage" under network, I have used over 10TB in the last month! ROFL
Most of it was me backing things up, and poking around in my server... Next up was Chrome at 670GB, but that was me streaming from my server. lol
- wildcats1983088 years agoTutor
The Metered option for Wired Connections is a nice added feature, which should have been added to the original version. I purchased a USB WiFi Adapter for my Desktop so I could run Windows 10 and be able to set it as Metered.
10+ TB WOW LOL. They need to add an option to set it External Usage Only.
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