Forum Discussion
Has Anyone Downloaded and Installed the Creators Update?
- 8 years ago
A few things I have noticed and ran into...
This time around, the Creators Update (Windows Version 1703) didn't uninstall any of my programs, however, a few lost their registration, and had to be reactivated. Still annoying, but not as bad as before where programs had been fully removed and no notes left behind. I have only noticed this with a few programs, seems they may be storing registration information somewhere in the registry that is being overwrote during upgrades.
Some things I have noticed and have done...-Went back into Settings > Privacy and checked to make sure all the settings I wanted applied, are still applied. A few changed, most didn't.
-Your default applications are reset back to default during the upgrade... Chrome set as default browser? You're going to have to tell Win10 under Settings > Apps what you want for defaults again.
-Noticed there's a new section in settings, "Gaming", went in and turned the "Game Bar" off as I don't need that annoying thing when gaming, and I also disabled "Game Mode"
-Wired connections can now be set to metered! Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Change Connection Properties > Set as metered connect
-Those that use natural daylight instead of 100w equivilent lightbulbs for their room lighting might find the Settings > System > Display > Nightlight option useful. It allows you to change the color tone of your screen so that it's not as stressful on your eyes being the only bright object in the room. Allowing for a more warm coloration, or cooler, depending on the options you chose under "Night Light Settings".
All of that aside, while writing this out and poking at things to make sure information was accurate, I noticed something... When looking at the "Data Usage" under network, I have used over 10TB in the last month! ROFL
Most of it was me backing things up, and poking around in my server... Next up was Chrome at 670GB, but that was me streaming from my server. lol
GabeU I already did the upgrade to Windows 10 on my desktop then went back to Windows 7. I read that they are still allowing people to upgrade free even though they encouraged people to do so for 1 year, and it supposly only being a 1 year thing. Its suppose to still accept the Windows 7 key for activation. I dont know for sure if its true. (When I was trying to install Windows 10 fresh on my laptop after trying the Creator Update - I entered my Windows 7 Key and it said it was not valid. I thought I was screwed, but here I guess the Windows 10 Key is stored in the computer --- which I did not know)
maratsade Dont you have your connection set to Metered so that it does not randomly download updates and use data? I found some changes with the Creator Update. The one that I like the most is that you can set Ethernet Connections as Metered now in Network & Internet Settings. You can read through this site for other changes.
wildcats198308, I did set the connection to metered once and I didn't like the system's behavior after that. I kept getting messages from apps that were trying to run updates (one was the antivirus app) and I didn't care for that. I changed my active hours to 8 am - 2 pm, and that seems to make the updates download outside of those hours.
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