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Tagging people

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Distinguished Professor IV

Tagging people

Often, when trying to tag people who are not involved in a thread -- for example, when trying to tag Liz or Amanda, I get "no matches."  Sometimes if I keep trying, it will work, but a few minutes ago I was trying to tag both Amanda and Liz and was only able to tag Amanda.  The system basically disavowed Liz's existence (bring her back!).


Is there a trick to this?  I just begin typing the "@" symbol and the system searches and if the person is part of the thread, there are no issues -- but when the person is not part of the thread, many times all I get is "no matches."


I've noticed it works more consistently when I remember to type them slower - but I have noticed this.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

Yes, I’ve noticed this too, but this time,it didn’t seem to matter how slowly I just didn’t want to find Liz.  🙂 

Slowly I typed...
Stroke by stroke...

Key by key...

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.

Has anyone ever noticed that access to the to be very slow... even on days that speed is OK.  Since joining, it takes forever to get to post messages, and yes, @ tagging people is sporatic.  Wonder if it has something to do with our speed issues, having slowness trying to bring up valid @ folks.   Does not help when things time-out because of the beam and speed issues so there has been days I wanted to @ tag a mod but it was not having it... then it would time out after I typed a whole bunch.  LOL



Distinguished Professor IV

I haven't noticed the access issues you mention, but I'd find them super irritating, especially typing a long post only to lose it!


I still can't tag Liz.  I tried tagging others who were not in this thread (GabeU, Amanda, BirdDog).  No problems.  Then I tried tagging Liz.  Nope. The system just won't do it. I keep getting "no matches." 


@maratsade wrote:

I haven't noticed the access issues you mention, but I'd find them super irritating, especially typing a long post only to lose it!


I still can't tag Liz.  I tried tagging others who were not in this thread (GabeU, Amanda, BirdDog).  No problems.  Then I tried tagging Liz.  Nope. The system just won't do it. I keep getting "no matches." 


I have got in the habit of copying the text before sending....  that way I can try again and just paste it.


Yeh maybe it is her name that the Hughes system has hiccups with.



Distinguished Professor IV

That's an excellent idea. Just compose on Notepad or something and then copy/paste.  It also helps when you forgot to log in and then you lose everything because of that.....


Yep, today there is no Liz. Maybe I met my quota. LOL

@maratsade wrote:

That's an excellent idea. Just compose on Notepad or something and then copy/paste.  It also helps when you forgot to log in and then you lose everything because of that.....


Yep, today there is no Liz. Maybe I met my quota. LOL

@Or she has an on/off switch to allow herself to be @ified.  hehe.


If all you get is complained at by every new post, that would get old.


Feel sorry for them if they only have a couple mods here to take all this slow speed posts.


At the same time, I wish Hughes will a tad better in dealing with this slowness mess.  Lots of unhappy people, and I understand their pain, as I just came out of FAP and only getting 500K speeds today.  By tonight at peak I will be down in the 100s I suppose.





Distinguished Professor IV



"Or she has an on/off switch to allow herself to be @ified.  hehe."


Yep, this is what I think it might be, and she deserves to have one. They all do, what with all the wah-wah-speed-wah-wah-streaming-wah-wah  around here (not from you, TJ) . 


While I do feel empathy for everyone and their speed issues (having had speeds under 300 Mbps for several days while not in FAP), the issue seems to be complex and have more than one cause, and solving it  may take time for reasons that may not be apparent to us looking from the outside.  And many users (again, not you, TJ) are quite short on patience and long on simplistic thinking and entitlement.


I think the company is dealing with the issue pretty well, all things considered, and going by what we see here, people are getting refunds, sometimes long term, which is very nice of the company.  My other ISP has never once offered anything but a c'est la vie when I've pointed out politely that the speed I'm getting from them is not 4G, is not not even close to 4G by the most optimistic standards.  Hughesnet is much more responsive to user needs.


Glad you came out of FAP!  What was your speed last night?  The last time I used the system it was around 1 Mbps for me, and that was fine for normal use.

@maratsade wrote:



@"Or she has an on/off switch to allow herself to be @ified.  hehe."


Yep, this is what I think it might be, and she deserves to have one. They all do, what with all the wah-wah-speed-wah-wah-streaming-wah-wah  around here (not from you, TJ) . 


And many users (again, not you, TJ) are quite short on patience and long on simplistic thinking and entitlement.


Glad you came out of FAP!  What was your speed last night?  The last time I used the system it was around 1 Mbps for me, and that was fine for normal use.

Yeh, I am fairly level headed and understand some issues happen.  Being a Director of Customer Service at a company myself, I do things a little different than Hughes but we all have our methods.  But I like to have a couple fun jabs every now and then like I would with a friend, that if he is doing something I don't agree with, I am not afraid to say, here eat a Snickers Bar.  😉  It keeps the playing field level and a little less tense.  In the end though I am a paying customer so want to get results in the end.  Therefore I would not be happy if this issue is not resolved by Summer 2018 and if it is not, Hughes should adjust prices accordingly until they do get it rectrified.  I feel that is the level headed being patient approach and not being a whiny jerk about it like you will see some being.  Some seem to go balistic which helps no one.


Yeh last night was bad.  Last test I did was at 6PM and I was down to 200K speeds.  It became unusable for my wife and I.  Guessing if you are down in 1Mbps arena, you are not on Beam 55 like I am, or just lucky you are keeping that speed.  I did not see those speeds at all yesterday and was in the 500K speed range all day and then when evening hit, it went downstream fast...  200K is not fun.



I agree with your sentiments @macsociety and hopefully most things will get rectified in the new year. Because of the volume of complaints that I have seen just in the last week since I joined the community I can see where the job of the moderators is a virtual nightmare, they are definitely taking the flak for the corporation. I also see where people are feeling  frustrated and trapped in a two year contract, which is by no means cheap, and a service that is apparently not living up to their expectations. I think the service will suit my needs if they can just increase the reliability and speed a little more, my own personal ideal is to have reliable speeds (2Mbs dl and above) and access to the off peak data between 2 and 8 am where I can record my movies and use the anytime for browsing.



Distinguished Professor IV

Good points and well stated, Jeff. I believe the company is working toward all this, but I also think the issues may be very complex (as happens in corporations).

Distinguished Professor IV

Good points, TJ, and I like the idea of the Snickers bar.  I suggest the company send users coupons for those, so we will all be nice and mellow -- I wonder if Snickers makes a Valium flavor.  🙂

I didn't upgrade to Gen 4 until long after it started, years after, actually, so I wonder if it was shaky at the beginning too, and if so, how long did it take to fix the burps.


Going ballistic is not the best way to go about resolving issues with service -- and it may backfire in some instances.


I was down to 275 Mbps last night, but there have been periods of better speeds, which is an improvement over the many days when the speed was under 500 Mbps at all hours.  It does seem to sundown, though.  As it gets later in the day, it just poops out.

Not trying to brag, but I was getting 7Mbps just after 8pm. Maybe the post-Xmas thing is showing signs of letting up.

Edit: Latency was also surprisingly low... between 2-300ms.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

Excellent!  It's been unstable and unpredictable here,and still plummeting in the evenings.  But it's shown improvement.


@MarkJFine wrote:

Not trying to brag, but I was getting 7Mbps just after 8pm. Maybe the post-Xmas thing is showing signs of letting up.

Edit: Latency was also surprisingly low... between 2-300ms.


Distinguished Professor IV

Where can I see the latency?  (ETA: do I have to ping sites, or is there an app or utility?)

In Testmy, under Results, "My Response Time"

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

Duh. [facepalm]

Cheers, Mark.

ETA: according to Testmy, my average response time is 282 ms.


@MarkJFine wrote:

In Testmy, under Results, "My Response Time"


In saying that, I just checked my results from yesterday. My memory is shot. Latency tests from yesterday show:

12/29/17 @ 8:12:23 pm : Los Angeles, CA - 221 ms
12/29/17 @ 8:12:09 pm : Los Angeles, CA - 222 ms

12/29/17 @ 8:11:42 pm : Los Angeles, CA - 238 ms

12/29/17 @ 8:11:20 pm : Los Angeles, CA - 220 ms

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.