Why was the due date changed on my account from 19th to 29th . Would like to change it back to 19th . It would be due on 9-19-2021
The reps on this site can look into that for you. They're here M-F during business hours. If you're in a hurry, you may want to call the 24/7 customer service line.
Thank you for posting, and welcome to the Community! We'd love to help out and look into this! However, we'll need a bit more information first. Please send a private message to this link with your account number or a phone number attached!
As far as I know, the due date shown for automatic payment customers is ten days after the invoice/bill date, but that due date is for when the bill is paid manually. Might that be what you're seeing?
It's been a while since we last heard from you, so we will close this thread. If you still have concerns, please start a new thread and include a detailed explanation so we can better assist you.