Forum Discussion
Data usage report.
I would like a detailed report on my data usage. For last month and this month.
I believe I am missing 3GB of data.
so I would like to compare my records with the ones you guys have of my account.
I talked on the phone and the lady told me to come here to get a report on my data usage. For some reason, she didn't has the access to give it to me? even though she was reading to me my data usage day by day.
so I would love to see that report on my data.
My first month was up and everything was great I went to check my data usage and apparently I used 8GB of data before even waking up? maybe it was an update on my computer. but the oddest thing was that I never started at 30GB I only started at 27GB for the beginning of the month and I go to look at last months data usage. and there was 3GB for Jun 9 then Jun 10 comes around the beginning of my new data cycle and it starts with 27GB. That's why I would like to see my detailed data usage. thanks.
The only detailed information available is information provided by the Hughesnet Usage Meter under the Usage History tab.
OR by going to My Account > Usage and then click History
From what I have seen, the Usage History doesn't show your data at the start of the day, but what you have remaining at the end of each day.
Hughesnet can't provide you information on what devices are using data, nor how much data you use on a website on a day by day basis.
If you wish to perform some troubleshooting, please let us know.
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
The only detailed information available is information provided by the Hughesnet Usage Meter under the Usage History tab.
OR by going to My Account > Usage and then click History
From what I have seen, the Usage History doesn't show your data at the start of the day, but what you have remaining at the end of each day.
Hughesnet can't provide you information on what devices are using data, nor how much data you use on a website on a day by day basis.
If you wish to perform some troubleshooting, please let us know.- tyed94Freshman
This has to be a joke my usage history is the only detailed report for data usage? I can't accurately tell how much data was used, The usage meter can't determine the hours of use and it doesn't even show the amount of data you're using from a moment to moment basis. can we go fire the person who thought the current data meter is all that was needed? even from a business standpoint, being able to find what hours my customers are using the servers and how much data do they actually pull at one time would be a major benefit it would lead to better marketing. Just a thought (you could offer 30 % off on tokens when people are doing heavy downloads or something to that nature.)
long story short i don't accept that my history from the current usage meter is all the information HughesNet collects about my data usage.
So I still would like to see a report from HughesNet on my data usage in some shape or form. Thanks.- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
It's a two faced blade... People are overly sensitive when they find out an ISP collects data, they want pure transparency then, and many will avoid an ISP that touts they (the ISP) track everything they (the customer) visit and do. Yet, when something is amis or seems off the customers demand logs of their activities. I have seen both sides of the coin, and Hughes has traditionally sided on the, "sorry, but that's not available to us".
As far as the system, they have provided all the tools required to monitor your usage. Sorry, but it's upto the customers like us, to track each individual connection then make out to the internet. There are many third party applications you can use to track each individual thing if that's what you're wanting, and many routers also offer such features.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
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