Forum Discussion
6 years agoFreshman
Early termination
I would like to request a sales call review of when I first ordered my hueghesnet Internet. I was told by the sales rep that 20gb of data would be plenty to stream Netflix and browse the web for each billing period. However I can only stream maybe 3 hours of Netflix total before my data is used up and it either gets fuzzy or doesn’t work at all cause it gets stuck buffering. I just want to cancel it without the early termination fee.
- FroemkeFreshmanAlso I was not informed of the dish and router fees when I signed up by the sales representative. I was under the impression my services would cost 59.99 plus the protection plan I purchased and was never told about the extra 15 dollars for device rental.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
I hope your call is still available; the mods here can listen to it and find out exactly what was said by the sales person and by yourself. If they have the call still, it probably won't take long for them to get back to you.
- LizModerator
Hi Froemke,
Welcome to the community and thank you for posting. We can certainly look into requesting your sales call for review to determine whether the sales rep set the appropriate expectations. I'll post back once I get the results. Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.
- FroemkeFreshmanThank you for your quick response!
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