Forum Discussion
Tokens. Again
- 2 years ago
Got it, thanks! OK, I'm going to send you a PM shortly to further address your concerns. Please check your private messages (PM) in the top right corner of the community page.
Hi GW,
Just got off the phone with one of our engineers, so the 30~ GB token data that was loaded into your system seems to be all your old tokens converted to your token data. These days when you receive/purchase token data, the amount goes straight to that token data bucket, there is no need for activating tokens. Hope that clears things up.
Hi Liz,
No, that's not the way it worked. The tokens were obviously taken from me because I didn't shift them out of reserve to active status before an unknown expiration date. They were accumulated over the years on G3. The 26 free tokens were worth 500 mb each and the 6 prepaids were worth 1 GB.
Check this link for full details on my last contact with them and my activated token status at that moment in time.
You'd think I would have noticed my token status jump by 19 GB if the engineer was correct. That never happened. Look at my records. You can count on one hand the number of times I've "broke the buck" and had to dip into reserves since 2011.
- Liz2 years agoModerator
Where did the 33 GB worth of token data come from?
- GW2 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Good question Liz.
When I moved to Gen 4 in 2014, I used a bunch of my tokens for "Token Bytes" so I could never go FAP at an inopportune time. Over the years I periodically moved more tokens into "Token Bytes" just to check on them for continued viability. I last did this on 12/7/20, as mentioned in the conversation with Gabe when he gave me the new directions to locate the totals in my token stash.
I also received a metric s-ton of tokens from Hughes over the years to compensate for the myriad problems, outages and testing I had to do while on the miserable Gen 4/Beam 55 that was always such a disaster. This continued through all the problems I had with Gen 5/Beam 107. More token bytes came from an accidental purchase in 2017 when I was goofing with my saved tokens.
I looked in my files and found screenshots that show some history. Here are a few.
I had 7990 Token Bytes Available on 4/10/15.
29.5 GB of Token Bytes remaining on 4/20/17.
41.6 Token Bytes remaining on 12/28/18.And I have 31.8 Token Bytes remaining today, 6/21/23
How it got down to 33.2 by 12/7/20 was because I used a bunch of it to watch the college football playoffs and National Championship game for the 2018 season when Alabama won the championship. We have only OTA TV. The finals are only on ESPN and pirate websites. Using the internet was our only convenient option for watching these games that year.
At that time I had really great 4G with the new Verizon tower they built almost next door in early 2018 but I had a smaller 4G allowance. The Vz was my emergency backup data for taking care of my business when needed so I was very conservative with it. My Vz MVNO upgraded my plan to unlimited data in December 2019 so watching them win the 2020 championship wasn't a problem. It never will be again with three Verizon phones in the house, all with unlimited data.
- GW2 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Sorry, I pasted in the wrong screen shot for 4/10/15. That one above doesn't show the token bytes available.
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