I have a gated yard, and the postmaster told me the postmen aren't allowed to go into gated yards, because there have been severe incidents involving dogs. The UPS and FedEx people seem to have no such constraint, as they leave packages on my porch all the time. I don't blame them, though, for looking out for the safety of their employees, and I'm glad they have this policy. This is one of the reasons I was looking 'round the Web yesterday, pricing extra large mailboxes. I'm seriously considering getting one to set up outside the gate. @GabeU wrote: @maratsade wrote: I had the package in the rain thing happen a week or two ago. I've been lucky when it comes to this. With UPS, if it's raining and the item is small, they'll put it between my screen and inside door. If it's too large to do that they'll put it in a bag and on the end of the porch. They'll also bag it if it's not yet raining, but looks like it will. My UPS guy is pretty good. When they use SurePost, the UPS/USPS service, it ends up at my post office, as I have a PO Box due to a snow plow taking out my mailbox a couple of winters ago and me not having installed another one since it happened. I really only have one place I can put it, and in order to put a new one there I have to dig the 100lb blob of concrete from the old one out of the ground.
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