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Re: Gen 5 FAP Speed not 3 Mbps
Hi, I just wanted to do a 3 week update and it's good news. I was upset because FAP mode was virtually unusable. It does seem like I'm getting the throttled speed pretty reliably. It has been good enough that I haven't bothered with the speed tests. I am now able to stream Netflix at decent quality with no issues in FAP mode at peak usage hours. It does have to buffer for around 30 seconds for each video and starts with low quality but it streams straight through and the resolution improves in the first few minutes. Browsing is slightly improved too. This is after the technician visited and replaced my radio and dish and ensured correct orientation. My signal strength went up from the 60's to the 90's and sometimes over 100. That technician visit was prompted by another thread about reduced performance during peak hours. So thank you to the moderators and Amanda for addressing my frustrations with seriousness and expediance; I am much more satisfied with Hughesnet's service now.6.6KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Gen 5 FAP Speed not 3 Mbps
HiAmanda, The iphone signal was"fair" because I was outside with it all day yesterday. I did 2 speed tests with the iPhone on the porch and they were in line with the rest of the tests run from my laptop with full wifi signal during daytime hours yesterday. I just did another test on the laptop and got 70 Mbps. It seems non-peak speeds and web response are improved. I thought the temporary FAP mode wouldn't be possible; no worries. Signal strength is still steady in the upper 90's so it seems the dish and radio replacement helped with that. However, my experince during peak hours last night were just as bad as before; as low as 2.14 Mbps - so 10% of 25 Mbps. I'd like to talk about those offers you extended to me.6.7KViews0likes4CommentsRe: Gen 5 FAP Speed not 3 Mbps
Amanda, Thank you. The service provider came on time and replaced the radio (with a different model maybe?), verified line of sight and re-aligned. Then he found a slight crease in the rim of the dish and thought that could cause a fluctuating signal so he replaced the dish. Signal was improved and has been steady in the high 90's. The problems I've been experiencing are most pronounced during peak hours but I'm hopeful this evening will be better.If it was a signal issue, perhaps the FAP mode was also affected (or even exacerbated it) and will now be a more usable 1.4 Mbps. I'm going to see how it goes this evening. This is probably an uncommon request but is there any way to temporarily remove or suspend my anytime data tomorrow before the evening until the next day so I can see if FAP mode is more usable than it was last month?6.8KViews0likes6CommentsRe: Gen 5 FAP Speed not 3 Mbps
Amanda, thank you for your prompt and thorough response and for the options you presented. Liz scheduled a service provider site visit for tomorrow (10/3) to evaluate my situation/other issues so I will proceed with that and see what they say. I will reconnect on this topic after the visit unless for some reason the site visit voids your offers; if this is the case, please let me know asap and I will cancel the site visit. - Ian8.2KViews0likes9CommentsRe: Gen 5 FAP Speed not 3 Mbps
FYI, the speed tests are finished: Max speed over 15 hours of testing was 1.41 Mb. Looks like the throttle is 1.5 Mb instead of 3 Mb. I suppose this doesn't really matter though as I read the Legal Fair Access Policy that's linked above and nowhere does it say 3 Mbps. I look forward to hearing the response to the review of the sales call because I'm sure they told me Gen 5 FAP was 3 Mbps.8.2KViews0likes1CommentGen 5 FAP Speed not 3 Mbps
Hello, I was a Gen 4 customer for a year and then was convinced to upgrade to Gen 5 when I called to cancel my service. One of the reasons I upgraded was that the sales person told me that after I used up my data, FAP bandwidthwould be 3 Mbps. I ran out of anytime and bonus data early this month and have been in FAP mode 24/7 since. During this time, about 4 days now, speeds have been very slow (faster than Gen 4 FAP but not 3Mbps). I've been testing with randomly over this time period and the fastest I have observed is 1.5 Mbps, no matter whether during peak times or the middle of the night. I've read many topics here on speed testing and am aware of the standards requested: multiple tests with more than 5 minutes between them, throughout the day and especially during reduced performance. 25 MB download test and 3 MB upload test. Connected by ethernet. These were not connected by ethernet and I reduced download sizes to 8 and 12 MB because the 25 MB test would take several minutes. I understand the reason we are told to test through ethernet - to eliminate a variable. But I would argue that this variable is already eliminated since I do get (faster) speeds comparable to other subscribers when on wifi but not in FAP. Although the "congestion" factor does seem to affect me more than others describe... but that's a different topic. I'll schedule auto tests over ethernet through the night for the exact data that will inevitably be requested. I'd like to believe there is something that can improve this speed but I doubt it and am once again feeling misled. Wondering what speeds others are observing in FAP with Gen 5? If you'recompelledto respond with "it says 'up to' 3 Mbps", please offer a possible explanation as to why it is so consistently less than half of the "up to" speed. Thanks in advanceSolved8.4KViews0likes16Comments