DNS Acceleration[N]
2 TopicsService Interruption w/ DNS Acceleration[N] issues detected
The internet service has never been as advertised at our location, but the service has been incapable of streaming for over a year and calling tech support is an hours-long affair wherein I am asked to perform a few tasks to assist with the testing and then am told the service is fine, unless it isn't, because weather. No weather? We don't know then, everything looks good on our end! The service is not what is being paid for. One technician from the first round of calls last year reported that it looked like our dish might be out of alignment and said he would send a technician out, fees waived. That service call never came and when calling to check with customer service again, we were told the dish alignment was fine and no such service call was needed. Today I went looking around in the dashboard and found that I have a persistent "problem detected" with DNS Acceleration[N]. Searching around this board yielded 3 topics that look to match my symptoms, and they are all either dish out of alignment or refurbished modem with a short life span, it looks like. Solved: Web Acceleration failing - HughesNet Community - 125105 Dashboard Indicating DNS Acceleration[N] Problem - HughesNet Community - 140896 DNS Fails Problem DNS Acceleration[N] - Page 2 - HughesNet Community - 123737 Hopefully my issues can be resolved as theirs seem to have been. Thank you for your time and I apologize if the displeasure at the service reads in how I have written this. I'm ready for a resolution, not to tear into somebody at work. 🙂1.6KViews0likes3CommentsDashboard Indicating DNS Acceleration[N] Problem
For the past couple of months there has been a change in connection speed. I'm all too familiar with the reduction in speed when reaching the data cap but this is much, much slower than what is normally experienced. Speaking with Tech Support they would have me believe the only problem is reduction due to FAP but the problem occurs even when in the "Bonus Zone" time frame. Dashboard diagnostics, both currently and hourly, indicate an issue with DNS Acceleration[N]. The dashboard is also returning diagnostic codes. Chatting with tech support has gone back and forth. When experiencing the problem a couple of months ago, a representative told me their diagnostic came back with and indication of Bad Alignment suggesting something was happening with the dish, cables or the modem. I was told a field tech would need to come out and replace the equipment. They were supposed to contact us the following day to set up a time to come out but the call never came. When my spouse called later that evening, we learned that a work order had never been arranged. They once again ran a diagnostic but said that there wasn't a problem indicated aside from the FAP slow down. My spouse added to our data cap and things were running smoothly for a while. About 3 weeks ago, we had to reach out to tech support again when our service went out completely. This time there was a problem with the modem not updating and rebooting itself correctly. My spouse worked with tech support for about an hour and fixed the problem remotely. For the past several days, we are once again experiencing problems with pronounced slow down and dashboard diagnostic indications of DNS Acceleration[N] problems. When chatting with tech support, they once again have said the problem is FAP slow down but fail to acknowledge the DNS Acceleration[N]. They've said that during the slow down I should still be receiving a download speed of 1Mbps to 3Mbps however, when I have used the dashboard speed test I've got the following return: Yesterday I started seeing a Terminal Automated Re-Installation prompt on the dashboard. Even after initiating re-installation, the prompt still shows up. I'm not tech savvy but I'm also not stupid or unable to understand the limits of my data cap. I can tell a difference normal FAP slow down and abnormal FAP slow down. I also understand that if there is 25+GB remaining in the "Bonus Zone" that I should not be experiencing a slow down reading of 0.13Mbps. I'm not trying to be a problem customer but this is frustrating, I'm getting nowhere with tech support and I don't care for the condescending back and forth. Can anyone help me with this?3.8KViews0likes9Comments