Forum Discussion
Service Interruption w/ DNS Acceleration[N] issues detected
The internet service has never been as advertised at our location, but the service has been incapable of streaming for over a year and calling tech support is an hours-long affair wherein I am asked to perform a few tasks to assist with the testing and then am told the service is fine, unless it isn't, because weather. No weather? We don't know then, everything looks good on our end!
The service is not what is being paid for. One technician from the first round of calls last year reported that it looked like our dish might be out of alignment and said he would send a technician out, fees waived. That service call never came and when calling to check with customer service again, we were told the dish alignment was fine and no such service call was needed.
Today I went looking around in the dashboard and found that I have a persistent "problem detected" with DNS Acceleration[N]. Searching around this board yielded 3 topics that look to match my symptoms, and they are all either dish out of alignment or refurbished modem with a short life span, it looks like.
Solved: Web Acceleration failing - HughesNet Community - 125105
Dashboard Indicating DNS Acceleration[N] Problem - HughesNet Community - 140896
DNS Fails Problem DNS Acceleration[N] - Page 2 - HughesNet Community - 123737
Hopefully my issues can be resolved as theirs seem to have been. Thank you for your time and I apologize if the displeasure at the service reads in how I have written this. I'm ready for a resolution, not to tear into somebody at work. 🙂
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
The corporate reps are here M-F, generally during business hours, and they can check your modem remotely and see if they find anything. Leave the modem plugged in so they can communicate with it.
These things might get you a faster response:
- Case numbers from when you called about this issue.
- Screenshots of the error(s) you see. (Make sure to remove your SAN number from the screenshot)
Weather at your end OR at the ground station (always located in a different state from where you live) can affect the signal.
Stated speeds, low-latency and uninterrupted use of the Service are not guaranteed, as per the subscriber agreement. Advertisements are not binding; the subscriber agreement is.
You might be asked to perform tests (if you have case numbers, tests you performed may be included in the agent's notes and you may not have to perform them again.
Good luck! I hope this gets resolved quickly.
- joadsghostFreshman
Screen shot from the diagnostic page on router. Weather has been clearto cloudy, It always gets worse after 3 PM,
- RemyModerator
Thanks for reaching out! I see this is your first post! Welcome to the Community! We'd love to help look into this, but I was unable to locate the account connected to your Community profile. Please send a private message to the link provided below, with your account number or a phone number attached!
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