Forum Discussion

jcline26's avatar
8 years ago

Canceled my contract

I canceled my contract but I didn't receive a confirmation email
  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    jcline26 wrote:
    I canceled my contract but I didn't receive a confirmation email

    The mods won't be able to get back to you until Monday morning.  Have you tried calling customer service or using the chat? That might be faster.

    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      maratsade wrote:

      jcline26 wrote:
      I canceled my contract but I didn't receive a confirmation email

      The mods won't be able to get back to you until Monday morning.  Have you tried calling customer service or using the chat? That might be faster.

      I was about to say that tomorrow is Friday, but I forgot that they may be off on Good Friday.  :)

      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        GabeU wrote:

        maratsade wrote:

        jcline26 wrote:
        I canceled my contract but I didn't receive a confirmation email

        The mods won't be able to get back to you until Monday morning.  Have you tried calling customer service or using the chat? That might be faster.

        I was about to say that tomorrow is Friday, but I forgot that they may be off on Good Friday.  :)




        I thought it was likely they were going to be off, but I see now that there were mod posts yesterday. But they didn't have time to get to the OP, so my post still applies. :smileyvery-happy::smileyvery-happy:

  • Hi jcline26,


    Welcome to the community and thanks for posting. I pulled up your account and I see that your service termination is scheduled for the end of your billing cycle, May 1. At that point you should get a termination confirmation e-mail. If you don't get an e-mail around that time, feel free to drop by the community again to let us know so we can investigate.