Forum Discussion
Criminal Customer Service
I have been an UNHAPPY customer of HughesNet since August of 2018 and today is May 14th as I write this. It is so hard to get in touch with coroarate to discuss issues I have been having.
I have not had working service with HughesNet more often then I had working service with hughesnet. The customer service reps told me everything from you have patchy couds in your area to, there is a slight chance of rain as to why I was unable to receive internet, at times this went on for days. The customer service resresentitives were in the Philipines telling me about my weather as I looked and told them it was incorrect,they insisted. There was no credit offered off my bill for the days I went without service. I would call and the customer service representitive I was talking to would be disconnected and I would rarely receive a call back or even worse have to recount a two hour conversation I previously had to a new resresentitive. Allot of the information I requested was undocumented. I dont know how this is a legal way to do business.
I have had to call in about four times a month because my internet was so slow or off. I called to have my payment information removed from my account and requested a paper bill before canceling my service with HughesNet. I entered in to a contract buyout program and planned to go forward with that. The customer service associate I spoke with did not take my payment method off and I was charged $310 on my debit card as a early cancelation fee. I feel fees like this sould be criminal with a company like this because they have extensive documentation of how unsatified I was as a customer. When I called to get information on this and try to have the bill correted I was simlpy told there was nothing they could do.
This company is terrible when it comes to the customers treatment. I WOULD NOT reccomend this company to anyone but an enemy.
I have multiple incedent numbers of times I have been hung up on and spoke with customer service for hours with no avail. IE: 120038243, 120038369, 126618591 and 120582523.
I was told that I would receive a paper bill for my early termination fee and I was charges $310 unannounced and now my child will not have a prom dress thanks to this detestable service provider- HughesNet.
There should be a credit given to customers who have had problems like this and haven not been helped. I have tried everything to improve my quality of service( naking the nessasary changes, running tests on my system, ect) and was told "There is nothing else we can do, is there anything else I can assist you with?" I was nevr able to speak with a supervisor onany occasion.
I would like to be refunded my early termination fee as HughesNet did not live up to their part of the agreement. This company puts people in contracts for flawed service then turns around and charges you to get out of a reaccouring problem, to make money because HughesNet knows their services leave allot to be desired. The customers should not be penalized because HughesNet was unable to provide adiquate internet service.
I will have my service deactivated soon so if corperate would like to contact me please do!
I makes me furious that with the terrible reviews this compay has againt my better judgement I took a chance on HughesNet to be yet another dissatisfied customer.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
First and foremost, you shouldn't post your email address in public. You should edit it out of your post. If the reps need any personal information from you they will ask for it to be given via private message.
It's unfortunate that it's after all of the things you've allegedly gone through, and then only after cancellation of the service, that you finally come to the place where you can interact directly with corporate representatives.
The reps are on M-F from approximately 8AM to 5PM EST. One should reply soon.
- DamianModerator
Hello Myesha,
Thank you for contacting us. I am sorry to hear you experienced this and I understand your position regarding the termination fee. After reviewing your case history, I see you canceled the account on 4/25/2019 and agreed to the termination without the request of a payment method switch. You were then eventually charged the full ETF on 5/9/2019 after the card declined the payment multiple times during this period, which explains the delay for the charge. Your request to switch the payment method was not made until 5/13/2019, even tho this would not alter the already charged ETF. It appears we explained that the charge was valid and could not be refunded. Compensation, if available, will usually take place on the call during your cancellation or before. Seeing as though the request and processing to switch the payment method was not made until after termination, a refund could not be authorized. I also see we recommended for you to have your bank reverse the charge, as you explained you needed that money for something else. The call ended after you agreed to take this step, however, a bank reversal was never made.
While I do not discredit the issues you experienced, compensation is not available due to the fact the account is already terminated and the termination fee is valid, within the guidelines of our policies. Please review for more information regarding these policies.
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