Here's an idea Hughes... If you really care about your customers, why don't you lower my current monthly payment to $99.99 a month for my current plan, since you say you can't or won't or refuse to upgrade me to the new 50gig plan that is $99.99 a month.
I am being ripped off by you not upgrading me... You are charging me more, for a lesser plan than your current top tier upgrade...
I would also love to know why you do not use US call centers? I am sick and tired of trying to understand someone who has no idea how to fix my problem... Also if you "accidently" hang up on a customer, why do you not call them back? OH I KNOW.. because the agent has no way to fix this problem, and wants nothing mere than to get another irate customer off the phone.... Hughes would rather leave a long time customer hanging than give them SERVICE....
I don't know.. maybe it's time to go to Excede.. but then again, I'm sure Hughes could really care less...