Forum Discussion
Frustration with billing and this company
- 6 years ago
Thank you for reaching out! After taking a look at the history of your account, this is what I've found:
- 10/18/2019 - You were charged $382.04
- This was for your two unreturned equipment fees as well as your bill for the month
- 11/18/2019 - You were charged $168.54
- $100 (not including tax) was charged for the de-install fee and the remaining amount was for your bill
- 11/18.2019 - You were credited $225
- $100 should have been for the de-install fee.
- The $125 credit was applied as the agent thought it was a standard dispatch, not a de-install
- 12/11/2019 - Both credits were removed; however, there are no notes detailing why
- 12/16/2019 - You were credited $431.04
- $325 for the Unreturned Equipment Fee
- $106.04 for the De-Install
The unbilled amount on the account is for an upcoming dispatch charge of $125 and the tokens you purchased. I will be crediting your account for the $125 to even that out, so in total, you will have $431.04 of credits on the account to account. These credits account for the de-install fee and unreturned equipment fees that you have paid.
Please let me know if you have any questions concerning your credits.
Thank you,
- 10/18/2019 - You were charged $382.04
Thank you for reaching out! After taking a look at the history of your account, this is what I've found:
- 10/18/2019 - You were charged $382.04
- This was for your two unreturned equipment fees as well as your bill for the month
- 11/18/2019 - You were charged $168.54
- $100 (not including tax) was charged for the de-install fee and the remaining amount was for your bill
- 11/18.2019 - You were credited $225
- $100 should have been for the de-install fee.
- The $125 credit was applied as the agent thought it was a standard dispatch, not a de-install
- 12/11/2019 - Both credits were removed; however, there are no notes detailing why
- 12/16/2019 - You were credited $431.04
- $325 for the Unreturned Equipment Fee
- $106.04 for the De-Install
The unbilled amount on the account is for an upcoming dispatch charge of $125 and the tokens you purchased. I will be crediting your account for the $125 to even that out, so in total, you will have $431.04 of credits on the account to account. These credits account for the de-install fee and unreturned equipment fees that you have paid.
Please let me know if you have any questions concerning your credits.
Thank you,
- JL726 years agoFreshman
First i have to say thank you for taking the time to actually explain this. Its so frustrating to never obtain an explanation and to find out a credit you thought you had and spent so long on the phone with issues over is no longer there with no one having an explanation as to why. Even when the response is "we dont know why that happened" its still better than having no explaination.
However i thank you for going the extra mile and getting it taken care of.
Judy Lawton
- Jay6 years agoModerator
I'm happy to help! Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or concerns.
- JL726 years agoFreshman
Could i ask one more question regarding the de-install credit? So I actually paid for that already and that was taken out of my bank account a month or so ago and i was supposed to be credited back for what i paid. However now there is ANOTHER pending charge that you are going to credit it against. Yes that will wipe out the pending charge and zero that out but that new charge shouldnt be there anyway because i did not have any additional technician services scheduled. So I never really got that money back. You are only crediting the new one that has for some reason appeared on my account. So if you just credit 125 it to wipe out the pending balance its like not charging me for it (which i shouldnt be as its not an actual call) but im not reimbursed for my original payment. I hope that makes sense.
- seebobfish6 years agoNew PosterYour response sounds like what I've recently had to deal with. Hughes hires lots of phone support staff who are very poor in speaking clearly. They change their names so you might think they are normal people - they are not! I've spent many hours on phone with tech support people in past years. I am looking for other companies to replace what Hughes provides -100%! THEY WILL LIE, NOT FIB , LIE! And admin supports their basic efforts as well as not addressing the lies. I have always been put on hold as the training they receive is minimal and anything asked of them needs more "training" for the right answer. Hughes is a "one way street" - troubleshooting a minor problem usually works after being put on hold for a few minutes - very few. They will disconnect you while waiting to connect you to their supervisor - many times been done - since no one will get to the bottom of who hung up first. Current issue is their lieing - every call - before you start conversation - warning they are recording for future quality - but when you need to go back to their promise to wave $125.00 for labor to install the failed Hughes equipment, it can't be retrieved. I had one low life Hughes employee tell me the technician needs to eat too! And then I was offered to split the $125 with Hughes so the tech could be paid! The tech who arrived and replaced Hughes failed equipment was the only Hughes related worker I can look forward to working with again! Honest, quick and very tuned in to his work - excellent results! Hughes' name fooled me as I thought high tech, well defined company, very big and successful - maybe so but they "create" problems by hiring people not capable of handling their jobs and put them at the end of the customer support phone! Go figure! This Hughes company is not customer friendly unless you are face to face with them. Too bad Howard isn't still here! This would never have included "poor speakers" as customer interface!
- maratsade6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
So you're unhappy and are looking for options, right? Good luck with your next ISP.
*I am not a Hughesnet employee or representative. This is a customer-to-customer tech support community, and I am a customer.
seebobfish wrote:
Your response sounds like what I've recently had to deal with.
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