Forum Discussion
HT1100 Upgrade To Gen5 Questions
- 5 years ago
Good morning cybo54,
Thanks for reaching out. As maratsade mentioned, you will get a HT2000w when you upgrade to Gen 5. The new modem is $150 MSRP, but we provide it for free for upgrades.
Technically the HT1000 can work with Gen 5, but we suggest using the HT2000w, as it is optimized to work with the Gen 5 technology; might as well use it since we send it to you anyway.
Please check your private messages (PM) in the top right corner of the community page as I've sent you a PM to further address your concerns.
cybo54 wrote:GabeU- Why do you say that?
It didn't used to require different modem, and we could have switched to Gen5 back at launch with current setup (was told that at the time anyway), but we did not due to it still being in beta phases back then.
Same here, I used to use Adblock plus too, but it was giving me issues with something (can't remember), so I moved over to uBlock
Upgrading to Gen5 from Gen4 or any prior service has always required a modem upgrade to the HT2000W. There are aspects of the Gen5 service that are modem dependant. For whatever reason, the information you received at the time was likely incorrect.
That's not to say that the HT1100 can't be used, as alluded to by Liz, but for true Gen5 service the HT2000W is required.
Edit: I should have added that beta testing is different. If you were invited to be part of the beta testing, it may very well have been that you could use the HT1100. I wasn't invited to that, so I never took part and don't know the particular aspects of that testing. I only upgraded to Gen5 after it was officially released in March 2017, and my information is based on the official release and my time spent here, including posts that discussed this particular topic in some way.
GabeU -
I think it was right around launch, we were not invited to beta but it was still "in beta" so to speak and the official beta testing was still going on too.
At that time, there were many users on the forums using HT1100 and getting Gen5.
I think even "some" new installs were going on on HT1100 too, depending on location if I rememeber correctly.
And on the forums it was referred to kinda as "fake Gen5", you got the same speeds, plans, prices etc, but not "officially Gen5".
Speeds we get now are same basically the same as Gen5 advertised, our concerns are more about the larger 20GB daytime a month more than anything else.
We tend to run out of daytime bandwidth in 1-2 weeks usually, and end up spending 2 weeks or more a month with slower daytime speeds.
Thank you for your replies!
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Are you sure you're not thinking of the discussions prior to release and people asking about whether they would need to upgrade? I remember a slew of those. But I've never seen a discussion, topic or reply, post Gen5 release, that stated anything about people being able to upgrade to Gen5 while keeping their HT1100 modem.
Every time people have asked what an upgrade to Gen5 would entail, the one constant has always been the inclusion of the HT2000W modem. For some people, that's the only thing they need for the upgrade, as both the ES17 and ES19 satellites can provide Gen5 service.
Or, might you be thinking of this post (or topic), which discusses the future (at the time) plan of using the HT1100 with Gen5 on the ES17?
- cybo545 years agoJunior
GabeU- I'm not 100% sure? But yes, there was discussion about the two different satellites then too
I just remember that we were told at the time we upgraded to Gen4 that we could get Gen5 either if we wanted, and that it would use same modem
It's not a big deal, Liz said we could use HT1100 too, but it's not ideal, since the new modem is more optimized for Gen5 and we should go ahead and use it anyway since it's sent out free w/ upgrades
What is modem dependant on Gen5, other than the built in Wifi router?
Our main concerns w/ continuing to use HT1100 was to avoid new modem purchase, and or truckroll if new modem was 100% requirement.
But seems that's not the case in any regard, HT1100 technically could be used, but also no fee for the new modem and no truckroll required, so might as well go that route.
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
cybo54 wrote:What is modem dependant on Gen5, other than the built in Wifi router?
To be honest, I can't remember for sure. I think it may have something to do with data compression, though that's more a guess. There was a thread a while back (at least a year I think) where something was mentioned as being different and specific to Gen5 (besides the modem's WiFi), but I can't for the life of me find it, nor remember the gist of the topic itself.
I could be entirely wrong and it may have been something more specific than dependant.
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