Forum Discussion
Need to cancel
8 days in and need to cancel service. It is very very slow and we would like to cancel before our 30 days is up. How do I cancel?
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
To cancel service, you will need to call Hughesnet at (866) 347-3292, service can't be terminated online.
Please be aware that once you cancel, if you leased your equipment, you must return the transmitter located at the end of the dish arm, the modem, and power brick for the modem. Hughes will mail out a return kit once your account closes out. Failure to return the equipment will result in un-returned equipment fees.
For more information on what must be returned and how to package it, please review the following page: momof3txNew PosterI cancelled today and although they told me when I signed up I had 30 days to cancel they are now saying they don't have that system anymore so that's not valid . Ridiculous!
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
The 30 day cancelation period was moved some time ago, before Gen5 launched. If you feel you was decieved, and signed up through Hughesnet and not a third party, you may request a sales call review. However, the agent will have to be misleading entirely for Hughes to be able to do anything, and they must have a call on record in their system. They usually maintain calls for 90 days, but, calls may not be recorded if you signed up via a third party reseller.
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