Forum Discussion
Cancel Service
To cancel, you will need to call 866-347-3292. You may have to pay an early termination fee if you're still under contract. See
To avoid equipment charges, you will also need to return the equipment (modem, power pack, and the radio from the dish). You will get a kit to return the equipment when you cancel the account.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
To cancel, you will need to call 866-347-3292. You may have to pay an early termination fee if you're still under contract. See
To avoid equipment charges, you will also need to return the equipment (modem, power pack, and the radio from the dish). You will get a kit to return the equipment when you cancel the account.- Sonny_CressNew PosterThey don't listen. I canceled service about 9 months or so ago and wanted boxes to send Gen 5 back as requested. To this date have not heard back from them and they are still charging my account $140.00 per month even though the equipment has not been hooked up since then I cancelled as I had lost my home due to Covid. So they are after the almighty $$$.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
If you didn't receive your equipment return kit and you're still being charged your service was not terminated. When you call to terminate your service you get a service termination case number and, shortly after, a confirmation email.
To cancel your service you need to call 866-347-3292.
- OnoripNew PosterFWIW, I feel your pain. HughesNet is better than no internet service at all, but not by much and it’s almost criminal what they charge for such a clearly substandard product. Performance is so bad (and obviously not just us) we barely notice a difference when they throttle back our service (usually after a few days and without streaming a thing!). As soon as folks have an alternative, they will bail; we sure will. Teachers have it especially tough right now so thank your husband for us.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
The only time HughesNet throttles service is when you run out of plan data. That's it. That doesn't mean system load doesn't affect your speed, whether at your beam, your gateway or with the entire system, but at no other time than running out of data is your service throttled
If you're running out of data and need some tips to help prevent it, I suggest reading the following two posts...
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