Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
9 years ago

New Windows 10 Build Update released...

Update KB3163018.  Changes OS Build to 10586.420

Also Adobe Flash Player update KB3149135.   

Just a heads up. 

  • This started to download while I was working on my laptop today. I jumped and yanked out the ethernet cord. 

    Tried the registry hack that supposedly changes a wired ethernet connection to a metered connection and it still kept trying to download. 

    I had to turn on the wifi and set that to a metered connection to get it to stop.

    I know what I'll be doing 5AM tomorrow.   :)
  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV
    Evidently the two aren't very large updates.  It looks like they were no more than 78MB combined, and that includes the malicious software removal tool, as well.  Still working so far (knock on wood).   
  • Just another reason for me to have to restart my PC in the middle of something I'm doing.
  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor
    I just looked, KB3163018 can be 713MB depending on if you have previous updates or not...