Forum Discussion

Daniel Noonan's avatar
Daniel Noonan
New Member
10 years ago

Please read first before agreeing

I recently logged into the HughsNet customer service sight in my system controller. When I queried "View my Bills" I received the prompt "We are moving to a New Login Process. Complete the quick registration and you will be able to login to your HughesNet account with your existing Google, Windows Live, AOL or account." Under the 'Register Now' it states that you may still log in the old way, but using my old password did not work for me (although interestingly it is the one I used to login here), so I began the registration process. In this registration process the first thing they have you do is sign an "Agreement". Please read carefully the "Terms of Agreement". Unfortunately it is 30 pages long with 23 components. You basically have few if any rights in this agreement. Again I repeat, please read it. They reserve the right to control everything including your internet content and even email messages. Plus they can change the agreement anytime they want, sell it to someone else and charge you outrageous fees for service. They even require you to pay for the return of their equipment after your 24 months of loyalty. I refused to sign it which meant of course I couldn't move on in their registration process, and of course I therefore can't look at my billing statements. Just another HughesNet ripoff. I'm just hoping the FCC shuts them down, they get run out of town by some legitimate competitor or some class action suit buries them.
  • i have never had any trouble with fact they have been understanding and given me discounts due to installers
  • Thanks for your comment Gerald, but this is not an issue of past problems but rather a simple warning to HughesNet customers to read what they are signing off on, and understanding the "potential" consequences of this. If you don't mind having this anvil over your head feel free to sign on. Just trying to make sure you know it is there.
  • Gwalk900's avatar
    Honorary Alumnus
    Try to keep in mind that "residential servce" is a very very very small part of Hughes Network Systems yet requires a vast amount of "support".
    They really are plaqued with the "where is the any key to continue" syndrome in many cases.
    Speaking as an 11 year Hughes customer, I'm not sure Hughes understands non Enterprise support.
    They are getting better I think ... one way to help is to visit this community forum and help out our less knowledgeble fellow users by offering your own expertise.