Forum Discussion

Dis-satisfied's avatar
6 years ago

Putting service on hold

My 24 months is up Jan. 20. If I put my service on hold now until Dec. 20, can I call and have my service cancelled after that, (Dec 20) so that my last day of service would be Jan. 20, without etf?
  • GabeU's avatar
    6 years ago



    No.  When you put your account in suspension, it pushes your end commitment date forward for as long as the account is in suspension.   


    Keep in mind, though, that at this current point your ETF woudn't be very high.  Probably somewhere around $130.  Depending on how much you pay each month for your service, that might be something to take into consideration, especially if you're just biding your time to cancel, and even more so if you're waiting to cancel so you can replace it with something that will work better for you.  It's just a thought.

  • Dis-satisfied's avatar
    6 years ago
    Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.