Forum Discussion

maratsade's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
7 years ago

Suggestion for the community

I don't know if this can be done, but I thought it might be a good idea to have a generic tag for the mods -- something like @help, or @mods , or something like that, and it would tag everyone who currently has the Mod tag by their name.  I find the tagging system on this community slow -- it takes me (and it may just be me) a long time to tag someone who's not involved in the conversation, and sometimes I have to try the tag a few times before the system recognises they exist (funnily, the system always points me to someone named Lamar when I want to tag Amanda).  It's even harder with short handles like Liz and Jay. I would totally welcome a single handle that would reach all mods. 

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    Great idea!  


    In lieu of that, something that may help is permalinking a previous reply that already has the full list of linked names, then bookmarking, or saving in your favorites, the permalinked page.  What I mean by permalinking is clicking on the dots to the upper right of a reply, clicking permalink, then after the page refreshes, bookmark it or save it in your favorites.  Then, when you click on that bookmark or favorite it will go right to that post in the thread.


    Then, you can copy the list and paste it into your new replies when you need to tag all of the mods.  You wouldn't think tags would copy and paste properly, but they do.  


    I tend to save a lot of pages that have good info or things that are easier to copy and paste than to type out again.  


    Just a possible, temporary solution to your linking issue.  

    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      GabeU, hats off to you, sir. You're a genius!  Cheers.


      I had tried macros, but I can't tag in macros.  I'll try your workaround. 


      I still think a global tag would be much  more practical, since the mods seem to rotate often. 

      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        maratsade wrote:

        GabeU, hats off to you, sir. You're a genius!  Cheers.  

        I don't know about all that, but they do say that I should listen to my peers.  :p