Forum Discussion

Reggie's avatar
Teaching Assistant
6 years ago


This is a thought that has been rattling around my head. Many start thier use of this forum with a rant. If there was a venting catagory , then they could rant & get it off thier chest. Maybe after the rant they would be ready for the help that is available here.

I know this may not help in all posts but if it help sometimes then who knows. This community could be better if we all try harder.

  • I like the idea in general. It makes a lot of logical sense.


    However, most of the venters are illogical and tend to just post their vent wherever they want regardless of category. They're seeing so much red they don't even look. They post their tirade then (usually) are never to be seen again. What I call, the "dump and run" play.

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    I can see where that kind of category may have some value, but at the same time I can see this Community becoming more like what's seen on their social media pages because of it, which would only be bad.  Not that their social media pages are necessarily indicative of the quality of the service, but rather human nature and the reactions of dissatisfaction or anger being stronger than that of satisfaction or calmness.  People are much more likely to post when they're dissatisfied rather than satisfied.  I'd hate to see this Community, whose primary purpose is support, turn into that.  

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Venting sites/forums only lead to the bandwagon effect, and [edit: that] ends up making everyone angry and miserable.  This community is a tech support community, where the main thrust is to figure out a solution to a problem.  There are plenty of places to vent on the Web. This should not be one of them.