Forum Discussion
Long time customer
His response addressed everything you publicly opined, one by one, with clear, accurate facts, not opinion.
If that's being hostile, perhaps you have a problem with your incorrect opinions being publicly corrected with accurate statements.
He provided no documentation to support his claims, he just said the opposite of what I sad. He quoted no qualifications that would lead me to believe he was an expert in this particular matter, or on technology in general. Please feel free to point out the facts he used to supposedly refute my opinion and provide the documentation to back up your assertion. Nothing in my earlier message claimed anything I said was a fact. Please read through my message again and point out where I said any statement was an undeniable fact and not an opinion based on my personal experience. Do I need to label everything I write with a caution label like those white pouches in beef jerky packages?
And why are people shilling for a company that's not paying you a salary, and is charging you money every month? Is a cult or a religion or something? What Am I missing.
I look forward to reviewing the documentation you or the other poster provide to prove my opinion wrong. I would also like some information on why you think it is your duty to protect a company that is monetizing an essential service?
- MarkJFine3 years agoProfessor
I look forward to looking at your angry face when we produce the same amount of documentation you provided.
We owe you nothing and you are free and welcome to believe any other of your fairy tales that your heart desires.
Have a nice day.
- EddieCranford3 years agoSpectator
You just paraphrased, "I know you are, but what am I?" Where to begin... You can in no way give me permission. By saying that, you imply that you are somehow superior. This is a narcissistic trait. Same with "your fairy tales". The final "have a nice day" - passive aggressive. You're into an obscure branch of amateur radio, which fits. Your age makes you a boomer, which shocked me not at all. Serious question - are you divorced?
And who are "We"? Are you aligning yourself with, or maratsade (a interesting reference to a German play from 1963)
Neither of you answered my questions. To begin with, I'm not sure why you reacted so strongly to someone having a negative opinion about a company neither of you work for, or have any reason to defend. That doesn't seem odd to you? Between the two of you, you've made 10,000 posts here.
I would love to chat more, but you guys are obviously busy being Hughes Hero's. Your comments have anchored my post, so it's less likely to be moderated. Let's see how many people agree with me. That will be fun.
- GeneB2 years agoSpectator
sounds to me like your more than a little butt hurt because someone has a negative opinion about a company that you supposedly don`t work for.
- MarkJFine2 years agoProfessor
Sounds like you're a tremendous troll, responding to a conversation from last May that:
a) Didn't involve you, and
b) Used an incorrect assumption of my employment status that makes absolutely zero sense.
You might want to learn the difference between your and you're. It'll help people to respect whatever intelligence you may have.I'd also advise not coming on here after you'd started drinking, so you don't make a fool of yourself.
Have a wonderful Sunday...
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