Forum Discussion
Scary Email Scams...
Did it look like this?
I blacked out a section due to it being a little too racy to be on here.
The hilarious thing is that the last time I used a webcam was to face time with my father through Yahoo Messenger. It was about seven or eight years ago. My laptop and notebook have their built in webcams covered with electrical tape.
The password listed is correct, though one that I used on numerous, non sensitive websites. When I say nonsensitive I mean nothing more than my name and email address and no financial information whatsoever. They were also from years ago, before websites started needing more info. Wikipedia, original Youtube, etc. I started using real passwords for every site years ago, though there are almost certainly sites out there that still use that password. I'll change the ones I can think of, if they still exist.
And, interestingly enough, the bitcoin address isn't showing as fraudulent...yet.
Edit: I would so love to reply and request 80s synth music to be added to the alleged video before it's sent out. :p
Yup, that's it.
You should know that the majority of what's in there is fake.They have nothing else on you - no video, no nothing. There is usually no active pixel image in the html, either (the kind that spams use to validate you've opened it - why you should never, ever download remote images in an email).
Your email/password combination was likely obtained from a prior breach posted to the dark web, and retrieved by whoever created this thing. Have to admit that combined with the text, it adds a pretense of credulity.
The bitcoin accounts are always valid, otherwise they'd have no way of getting compensated, and yes they are barely traceable back to the offender. Seems they've not received a dime on that account tho.
But, if you have the headers you can look at the first "received from" line, reverse lookup the IP and figure out what the last server was used to send it to you (anything past that in the headers is likely forged). You might want to forward to their abuse/legal team and hint at possibly prosecuting the illicit activity. That's what I did with Microsoft - they'll sit up and take notice of that.
My advice is to send it to the abuse/legal team of the server that sent it last as well as possibly the FBI via the link that's earlier in the thread. I would also definitely change any passwords - especially the one stated in the email. However, I would not do anything to engage these people in any way, not even jokingly, because you validate youe existence and you don't know what they'll do as a response.
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
"They have nothing else on you - no video, no nothing."
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
MarkJFine wrote:But, if you have the headers you can look at the first "received from" line, reverse lookup the IP and figure out what the last server was used to send it to you (anything past that in the headers is likely forged). You might want to forward to their abuse/legal team and hint at possibly prosecuting the illicit activity. That's what I did with Microsoft - they'll sit up and take notice of that.
My advice is to send it to the abuse/legal team of the server that sent it last as well as possibly the FBI via the link that's earlier in the thread. I would also definitely change any passwords - especially the one stated in the email.
The only thing I could figure out to do in order to see anything more than the sender email address is to "View Message Source", and it shows a huge amount of info, all of which is foreign to me. I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be looking for or seeing.
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
There's all kinds of info in the message source, but one thing you see (I haven't looked at a message source in a long time, but I imagine they haven't changed much) is where the email comes from (gmail, for instance). Sometimes there are IP addresses there too. Most of the rest makes no sense to me, but I'll be happy to send it to the Feds.
GabeU wrote:The only thing I could figure out to do in order to see anything more than the sender email address is to "View Message Source", and it shows a huge amount of info, all of which is foreign to me. I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be looking for or seeing.
- MarkJFine7 years agoProfessor
The trick is to always look for the first "Received From" then there will be an IP in square brakets. That is the IP of the server that HELO'd your email server before it sent it. Everything else can be forged, including the servername that's supposed to be associated with the IP. Not likely the IP itself was was forged during a HELO handshake.
Edit: Looks like this:
Received: from ( [])
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
"However, I would not do anything to engage these people in any way, not even jokingly, because you validate youe existence and you don't know what they'll do as a response."
MarkJFine, donkeys ago there was a guy in the UK who actually engaged with scammers and tried to scam them back. He kept a hilarious website with email exchanges.
I agree with you, though, and think it's best left to the law to deal with these people.
- MarkJFine7 years agoProfessor
maratsade wrote:
I agree with you, though, and think it's best left to the law to deal with these people.Yup. Not worth the effort nor the risk. You know what they say about playing with fire.
Best to play invisible with these guys. That way they don't know that you exist, nor what you're doing.
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