Unhappy customer with TERRIBLY SLOW SPEED
Sorry to be yet another customer complaining about the quickly used data allotment and subsequent TERRIBLY SLOW SPEED. For us, data is used in about 3 to 4 days of our billing cycle. So that's about 10% of a given month at acceptable speed and 90% with TERRIBLY SLOW SPEED. It's torturous. I know what you are thinking. Just direct this customer to the data usage advise given to everyone else. I've read it. I understand it. We have tried it. We've also tried unplugging and turning off all household devices when not used, yet our data consumption is hardly affected. None of it is really feasible or practical. Especially considering an engineer, a teacher, and highschool kids in the home who all rely heavily on internet service. There seems to be no other option for us living this far out in the country, and I'd like to think your company isn't taking advantage of that by offering tokens to purchase. I'm begging for better service. When our data resets life works great for a few days. What can you do for your customers to extend this period of high speed service? How about a plan that provides high speed without a data limit? I'd be willing to bet your revenues would explode. Another added benefit would be far fewer customers complaining and negative reviews. I think your customer service is fine. Everyone I've encountered is very helpful to the extent they can help. It's your product that needs real improvement.